‘I want to prove I am a new person now’

‘I want to prove I am a new person now’
An Indian Muslim pilgrim prays after she casts stones at a pillar, symbolizing the stoning of Satan, in a ritual called “Jamarat,” the last rite of the annual hajj, in Mina near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in this Oct. 17, 2013 file photo. (AP)

An Equadorian woman, who was born in a Christian family, feels the urge to find truth. She faced a lot of resistance from family members but finally embraces Islam. In this second part of her story Viviana Espin narrates how she embraced Islam.

I was perhaps 17 or 18, I don’t remember, when I told my mom that I had the wish to change my religion and become Muslim. I told her that I liked to go to the Islamic Center at my city and learn more. My mom got upset and she said that only Christian people can live in her home, and if I was seriously thinking about changing my religion, I should leave the house. So I told her that I was only kidding to make her forget the issue.

She contacted my aunt, and my aunt brought me a book against Islam. I read the book and it scared me and left in my mind fears and doubts. So I stopped the idea of becoming Muslim but also I didn’t like to go back to Christianity because I already didn’t feel comfortable with it like before.

My mom changed her religion from Catholic to Evangelic, after a miracle with one of her brothers. He had cancer and doctors said that he was not going to live more than a week maybe one month. Two years passed since then and my uncle was still with us.

The day when my mom decided to convert I already tried to talk to her about Islam again, and I asked her to come with me to the Islamic Center to ask about the doubts and fears from the book. My mom was so open that day and she accepted. But that was in the morning. At night, she went back home as Evangelic and with a very strong conviction about it, so for me it was impossible to talk to her about Islam again. A few months after this I met a Muslim who I got married to shortly afterward, after this I moved to Egypt to be with him.

The two biggest dreams of my life were to come to Egypt and to marry a good man who loves me, cares for me, and be romantic, the charming kind of prince that I am sure all girls dream about when they are children. But I always thought that I was never going to see these dreams come true. Because on one hand, my financial situation would make it impossible to travel to Egypt and on the other hand, I didn’t think that the man I wished for could be anywhere in the real world except my dream.

God gave me all what I wished. But honestly, I was never grateful for all that He gave me.

After coming to Egypt, I still was not sure that I wanted to convert. My new husband introduced me to a wonderful lady with the knowledge, the patience, and the faith. Her name was Raya. She helped me better analyze my situation and clarified all the doubts and misconceptions I used to have about Islam.

Finally I took the Shahadah on Saturday August 30, 2009. I took the Shahadah only because I was convinced about the existence of One God and that Muhammad (may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him) was his last Messenger. But I said that I was going to start practicing when I feel it’s the right time. They agreed with me and at that time I didn’t have the intention to start a real learning soon.

The following Monday everything changed. My husband and I got into a really bad situation, which was my fault, and he divorced me. I felt that my world was crushed in pieces.

In my despair I didn’t know who else to ask for help other than Raya. She gave me her support and took me as a daughter in her home.

My mom used to tell me that humans never learn until bad things happen. This is very true. All the problems with my husband made me feel the need to search for help in Allah and ask Him for forgiveness.

I am just in the starting process but I have the real feeling that I want to serve my Lord and be grateful to him. I started to change my way of dressing and now I wear hijab, and I feel I want to change all my life. I want to prove that I am a new person now.



Source: ArabNews

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