Addis Abeba, Amdom Gebreselassie, Deputy Head of Communication Affairs bureau , and Alula Habteab, Head of the bureau of Construction, Road and Transport have been discharged from their duties through a letter they received from Mulu Nega (PhD), Head of Tigray Interim Administration.
According to Amdom, who spoke to Addis Standard, the decisions did not come from the administration in Tigray, rather from the federal government who were not happy about his remarks on March 8, on an interview with Tigray TV, in which he pointed out the rapes and atrocities on women in Tigray and that perpetrators should face law. He believes the recent statement released by his party also counts as a basis to the decision that led to his termination.
He also indicated that he was told about a committee responsible for contents of media dispatch passing the decision for their discharges, following “unnecessary remarks” they gave to media outlets regarding current issues in Tigray, adding that he was further told that the interim administration has also accepted the decision subsequently.
Amdom also affirmed that the brief letter that was also given to Alula Habteab in similar manner merely notifies the decision of their discharge from the posts with gratitude for their contribution so far. He said grounds of termination are not detailed in the letter. However, he indicated his concern about these actions that are also taken on Alula Habteab in similar manner are undemocratic and incapacitate freedom of independent action of any official in Tigray.
When asked if there are any differences within the cabinet members of the administration, he said, “There are no considerable differences on fundamental issues and situations in Tigray, the difference that exist is between reflecting opinions boldly in some officials and abstaining from expressing their mind in others.”
Amdom Gebreselassie, also public relations head of Arena Tigray Party and Engineer Alula Habteab were appointed in posts they assumed as the Tigray Region Provisional Administration cabinet comprising 16 members established to fill the administration vacuum in Tigray.
It was recalled that Alula Habteab, who heads the interim administration’s construction, road and transport department, appeared to openly criticize soldiers from Eritrea, as well as the neighboring Amhara region, for their actions during the conflict.
Efforts made by Addis Standard to reach Dr. Mulu Nega Head of the Interim Administration for his comment on this matter were unsuccessful.
Source: Addis Stanadard
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