By Nur Mohamed Mohamud
I didn’t really start to travel abroad until my early 20s when I decided to travel the world and see all the countries I had endlessly seen and read in magazines and TV programs. My time spent traveling gave me experiences I never even expected to have; I met new friends, learnt new culture and language; Moving abroad was a whole different experience and something that taught me, not only a huge amount about a different country, but a huge amount about myself.
I had started off my adventure from Ethiopia where I started my post-secondary education, it was my first time to be in a foreign soil, it was a moment whereby I had encountered many challenges in the side of the environment and education where I met with different people with different languages and cultures, then a year later I moved to Malaysia, then Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania it was an amazing journey where I met different people, with different mindset.
When I first moved abroad, I was constantly being tested through overcoming challenges and solving problems like finding a home and dealing with people who didn’t always speak my language or sorting out necessary staff and each time I was tested, I was surprised at seeing my potential and just how amazing I could be, it allowed me to be the best version of myself.
Moving anywhere away from your home creates a mixture of excitement and fear. My past traveling experiences gave me some confidence about what to expect but I was surprised and challenged in ways I never even thought about.
When you live in the comfort of your home country, living around the people you’ve known all your life, you can sometimes be stuck and never really realize it. Moving away showed me just how stuck in life I was and opened my eyes to a bigger picture. Adapting to a new lifestyle showed me a different side to life.
A New Culture
Taking in a new culture adds a different dimension to you, it allows you to be more open and accepting of how other people do things and it lets you see a different side to life. I spent more time in nature than I ever had before, I ate food I’d never heard of and I took on their customs, their manners and their language. It’s not until you live in a new country that your ideas, ways of doing things and perspectives can really change.
Gained A Sense of Accomplishment
There are lots of things we can do to get a sense of accomplishment but moving abroad and all that it entails was the biggest achievement of all for me. It took me so far out of my comfort zone with all the fears and ‘what ifs’ that come with it and I survived. It showed me I have the ability to control and change my circumstances – I can make life happen despite the challenges, the fears and the expectations. Challenges allow me to flourish and the challenge of moving abroad not only allows me to see a diversely different country, but it creates opportunities for accomplishments on all levels.
Every time I overcome obstacles I become a little bit stronger, a little bit more confident in my own abilities and I see the full extent of what I’m able to do. Learning a new language was a huge challenge for me and although I don’t speak it that well, I’m proud that I can understand and speak a completely different language at all.
Moreover, living abroad is an enriching experience because it enforces you to adapt to things that are unfamiliar and unusual to you. You become independent and open to new exciting or terrifying challenges that you would never have encountered in your home country and that is the most rewarding of all; the opportunity to learn and develop as a person because you will discover things about yourself that you may not have known before; your beliefs your passions your character through interacting with in a foreign society, your eyes will be open to all sorts of aspects of life that would be difficult to learn in your native country.
Nur Mohamed Mohamud
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