Wednesday, May 01, 2024
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Strong public education system for immigrant children

By Nawal Khalif

The population of recent immigrants in the United States has dramatically increased over the past several decades. Over forty million immigrants live, work, and go to school in the United States of America. Majority of immigrants do not acquire enough knowledge that will provide them an opportunity to go to college. These immigrants do not have a strong academic foundation, they have a tremendous language barrier, and a different culture. This is why immigrant children need a strong public education system to offer them the tools to realize the American Dream.

Public schoolOne reason why immigrant students require a strong public education system is because many have little or no foundation. Many countries do not have a robust school system, so immigrant children need to have one in order to build and expand on basic skills to be successful. Most public schools in the United states have a special program identified as English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). This program is designed to help students who communicate with a language other than English. The government should create more programs that are similar to ESOL. More programs will give immigrant students a stable learning base and prepare them to take the next step.

Immigrant children often have to overcome the language barrier, this is best achieved in public schools. The sooner the student overcomes the language barrier, the easier it will be to improve in other subjects. Language is a huge obstacle for the student. It may cause stress when they try to communicate with teachers and friends. There are many impacts of the language barrier and they are mostly drawbacks. Having a strong public education will make sure that immigrant children overcome the language barrier. This should one of the education system’s main priorities.

Children in other countries usually do not go to college. This is because they are used to living in a society that does not value higher education or see college as a possible opportunity. This is their culture! They attend elementary, middle, and sometimes high school, After basic education they are employed in low living wage jobs such as farming, working in a convenience store, and working in factories. They rarely work in more developed industries that require skill, college degree’s, and experience. This is another reason why immigrant children need a strong public school system that will motivate them to set high goals and challenge them to go to college.

As demonstrated, immigrant children certainly need a strong public school system. This will provide them a good opportunity to learn English, have a strong education foundation, and achieve higher goals. They will have a chance to expand on their culture, rather than limiting themselves with it. These are the children of the future so society must make sure that their education comes first. Lastly, the immigrant children will learn that education and school are the key to life. Either people use it to achieve their dreams, or do not take advantage and regret it later in life. Those choices are up to the immigrants to make. However, they cannot make those choices if they were never given the opportunity.

By Nawal Khalif ,
McLean, Virginia.
Nawal is a 7 grader who likes to write, and we encourage her to continue writing.

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