Somalia: How optimistic are you with the leadership of President Hassan Sh. Mohamud?

Somalia: How optimistic are you with the leadership of President Hassan Sh. Mohamud?

Abdirizak A. Aden (Eelay)

Almost half of the four-year mandate of the current Somali Federal Government (SFG) is about to end. During this period, Somalis, as well as the international community has been closely monitoring President Mohamud’s policies, strategies and leadership. These past two years proved to be extremely challenging for his administration on so many fronts. After finally ending the transitional period of SFG, the demand for a leader with a noble character, commitment and competence has never been greater.

Hassan_MohamudHassan Sh. Mohamud was elected, unanimously, as Somalia’s President on September 10, 2012. That year ushered a new hope and a new kind of leadership in the country. Expectations from people across the country were very high in the beginning and many have placed their trust in President Mohamud. We all expected of him to create a welcoming atmosphere that portrays a nationalist attitude which, I believe, would have encouraged us all to follow his leadership. I personally fell into the trap, too. Instead, he doomed himself to failure by immediately shifting the government’s political strategy in the wrong direction rather than committing to finding an all-inclusive solution. I cannot believe he has killed his political image as easy as he came in the first place.

Before I state my personal judgment too deeply, I would like to call your attention to key failing areas of President Mohamud’s administration for the past two years. Also, let me take a moment and borrow what political experts and academics had to say about his leadership performance during the same period.

Security Challenges

Al-Shabaab militants were on the run and were finally pushed out of the capital city by AMISOM and Somali military forces back in 2012. However, since President Mohamud got elected, they’re on the offensive and have continued to carry out very well coordinated and highly sophisticated operations in Mogadishu. To my utter surprise, Al-Shabaab militants have managed to infiltrate and break into fortified barricades surrounding the presidential palace twice this year. This means the Al-Shabaab threat is real and Villa Somalia became the new combat zone. Other than endless condemnations and empty retaliation promises, the President has failed to tackle continuous threats from Al-Shabaab and other untouchable local clan militia. For the last 11 months alone, six most outspoken MPs were gunned down just because of expressing their opinion. Who’s really behind the assassinations of Somali Member of Parliaments (MPs)? Is it Al-Shabaab or crooked government authorities and its allies trying to silence the outspoken MPs? Here is a list of Somali MPs assassinated in Mogadishu:

– Sado Ali Warsame, a true Somali lady with too many hats, was assassinated in government controlled area in Mogadishu on July 23, 2014. She lost her life for the love of her country and people but, rest assured, her legacy will live on.

– Mohamed Mohamud “Hayd”, a member of Somali MP was killed in Mogadishu streets on July 3, 2014.

– Another law maker Abdulaziz Isaq Mursal was shot dead in Mogadishu on April 22, 2014.

– A day before, Isaq Mohamed Riino, member of Somali MP, was killed in Mogadishu on April 21, 2014.

– Mohamed Warsame (Faisal), MP, was also assassinated in Mogadishu on December 6, 2013 when a bomb planted under his car exploded inside the presidential palace. Al-Shabaab has not claimed responsibility. Families and friends suspect an inside job.

– Hussein Abdisalam Mohamed, member of Somali MP was shot to death on September 22, 2013 in Mogadishu.

In a chronological order, here are other Al-Shabaab atrocities that so far remain unanswered:

– June 19, 2013, Al-Shabaab militants attacked UN base in Mogadishu, killing 22 people.

– On July 27, 2013, Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility, carrying out a suicide car bomb attack on a Turkish embassy in Mogadishu.

– February 21, 2014, Al-Shabaab attacked the heavily fortified Somali presidential palace. A total of 14 people were killed. Mohamud Hersi Abdulle (Indhacasse), chief of Staff for the Prime Minister and few security services were among the casualties.

– On May 24, 2014, Al-Shabaab attacked and stormed the Somali Parliament compound, leaving at least 10 people dead. Members of the parliament were among those wounded.

– Another attack on Somali Federal Parliament compound occurred on Saturday July 5, 2014. Fortunately, no casualties were reported on parliamentarians. According to Dahir Amiin Jeesow, a Somali MP, said that “Nabad ku afur” security scheme from President Mohamud has turned into “Naxdin ku afur.”

– Al-Shabaab once again carried out another deadly attack on Villa Somalia just before iftar evening meal, killing 14 soldiers and civilian workers on Tuesday July 8, 2014.

Peace-Building and Reconciliation

I believe the President’s political strategy to engage with the existing and the new emerging federal states has taken a slippery slope with detrimental consequences. This was a huge setback and it carries a great risk of undermining the stability of the whole country. In order to address monumental challenges facing Somalia today, we need a leader that can recognize and deliver a true political reconciliation process as well as promote peace and unity. Instead, the President was allegedly accused of exhuming old wounds and creating unnecessary fear and divisions among the public. With the leadership of President Mohamud, the threat of a repeated civil war appears more real now than ever before. I cannot believe his actions fostered far more grief than hope. As Faisal Roble, a respected Somali political analyst has eloquently put it “Despite all the enviable national attributes, Somali leaders never miss an opportunity to overlook them and consistently employ policies of division and confrontation. This time around, President Hassan Sh. Mohamud is astonishingly putting policies of confrontation ahead of accommodation”. Under the leadership of President Mohamud, reconciliation is a failed dream.

Jubaland Crisis

More than 500 delegates from all three regions (Lower Juba, Middle Juba and Gedo) convened in Kismaio and approved a first drafted provincial constitution. On 15 May 2013, with overwhelming majority, they elected Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madoobe) as the first President of Jubaland State. That was a ground-breaking milestone indeed. However, President Mohamud was too quick to destroy their dream through unwarranted accusations. As the constitution mandates, the President’s role would have been to facilitate and provide guidance that is politically viable and practically feasible. Instead, he was accused of employing warlords to overthrow the legitimate authority of Jubaland State. It’s unfortunate that the Jubaland administration has not been given a chance to fail. As a political insider, Somali former TFG Prime Minister, Prof. Mohamed A. Geedi was once quoted saying that “Dowladdu waxay ka leexatay waddadii loo doortay, waxay hurisey Dagaal sokeeye, cidna kama qorsoona in dowladdu ka dambeysey dagaalkii Kismaayo, uma dul qaadaneyno in majaraha laga leexiyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed.” I cannot believe President Mohamud has embraced chaos and put walls between Jubaland communities, rather than tearing them down. Sometimes, I do ask myself if there are past grudges that are causing the President to make these kinds of destructive decisions. As a result of his failure policy, inflexible attitude and lack of compromise, Jubaland people have lost their trust in President Mohamud.

Lower Shabelle Crisis

During the civil war, armed militia from USC became a dominating power and has taken over the private farmlands and properties of Lower Shabelle for purely economic advantages. After a quarter of a century of USC occupation, Biyamaal and other local natives are finally engaged in armed resistance against the occupying forces just trying to regain the ownership of their land and farms so they can live with dignity in their ancestral homeland. Again and again, it’s really shocking to witness the repeated atrocities USC is committing in this region. One may ask where the role of the current government is. Is the government unable or unwilling to contain and resolve this hostility? Rather than resolving the situation, the government troops were confirmed to have been involved directly and supported USC militants while AMISOM did nothing to stop the genocide. It’s obvious now that the government authorities have deliberately failed to restore stability in this region. Here is a quote from Dr. Michael Weinstein about the SFG’s Strategy of Political Conflict. “Hassan is attempting to isolate some leaders and factions in each region and to empower others favorable to him. In doing so, Hassan is splitting each region politically, intervening in local conflicts and exacerbating them, and working with whoever will ally with him for whatever reason, whether it be ex-warlords, dissident clans, or factions within a movement. That is the familiar strategy of divide-and-rule, which is used by actors who cannot (Hassan) or do not want to expend the military and/or financial resources required to control the outcome of a conflict”. I cannot believe the President is engaged in creating an awkward and hostile atmosphere.

Puntland Case

Under the leadership of President Farole, Puntland Federal State had cut ties with the Somali Federal Government. It has accused President Mohamud of illegally altering the Somali constitution, rejecting a fair sharing of power, resources and foreign aid. The recent unilateral oil exploration deal between SFG and Exxon/Shell will exasperate the tension much further. This is a national embarrassment. Somebody with this mindset, being ill-informed and arrogant cannot lead the country. All these indications show that the President is not bound to the constitution and the rule of law. In response to this, current Puntland authority led by President Abdiweli has officially rejected this accord. Here is a quote from Faisal Roble “The government of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who has been eroding whatever little is left of Somalia’s cohesion and coexistence, is responsible for, in the words of Dr. Weinstein, the production of a “renewed conflict” between the center and the regions”.

Somaliland Case

The secret dealings SFG had with Somaliland have created more bitterness and hostility among the clans living in northern regions of Somalia. The President has betrayed all Somalis, in particular the key stakeholders (Dhulbahante and Warsangali) who always support the unity and territorial integrity of Somalia. This administration has also sacrificed Somali Air Space after authorizing and handing over its control to Somaliland Civil Aviation authority. I am not sure if the President is really at peace with himself and the direction he’s taking to unite the country. If he were to be tried right now in the courts of Somali public opinion, he would be guilty of treason. This is another true manifestation of failure in his leadership.

Good Governance

Breaking rule of law, greed and corruption have defined Somali politicians for the last half a century and will continue to shape its future. A report prepared on July 2013 by UN Monitoring Group on SFG uncovered a very damaging piece “On average, some 80 per cent of withdrawals from the Central Bank are made for private purposes and not for the running of Government, representing a patronage system and a set of social relations that defy the institutionalization of the State”. What’s more damaging is the resignation of Yusur Abrar, former Governor of Somali Central Bank.  “From the moment I was appointed, I have continuously been asked to sanction deals and violate my fiduciary responsibility to the Somali people as head of the nation’s monetary authority. Unfortunately, the central bank has not been allowed to function free of interference, and as such cannot operate as a credible institution. The message that I have received from multiple parties is that I have to be flexible, that I don’t understand the Somali way, that I cannot go against your (President’s) wishes, and that my own personal security would be at risk as a result”. 

On July 15, 2014, the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group disclosed new and damaging findings, and allegedly accused President Mohamud and former foreign minister Fawzia Yusuf H. Adam of conspiracy to divert Somali assets. The Monitoring Group confirmed that the information it has gathered so far “reflects exploitation of public authority for private interests and indicates at the minimum a conspiracy to divert the recovery of overseas assets in an irregular manner.” I cannot believe the President has ruined his reputation with ill-advised short term gains.

Here is what Nuruddin Farah, a Professor of Philosophy and prominent Somali novelist and playwright, had to say about President Mohamud’s leadership performance: You would expect the president of a dysfunctional state like Somalia to move with greater alacrity to bolster confidence in the rule of law. Mr. Mohamud has not done so. It’s not his only deficiency. He has lost credibility among the countries contributing to the 17,700-member African Union mission that is propping up his regime”. I cannot believe the President is constantly in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

Alliance of Evils

On many occasions, the President has compromised public trust, but this time he crossed the line by surrounding himself with destructive forces with evil agendas in mind. Damul Jadiid are an evil-minded group mainly responsible for the political failure of President Mohamud. Their role was not only confined to advisory, but they’re also holding key political positions within the government. It seems that the very foundation of our society is crumbling beneath our feet due to a lack of moral ethics.

I was in disbelief and bothered when I learned that President Mohamud has also associated himself with the two devils (Haad and Ahmed Diriye).  As long as I can remember, these two devils were always known as spoilers to peace, and overall Somali sovereignty. They’re also known for using troubling words through the air waves, with a constant threat of violence, belligerent attitudes, and repeated intimidations towards the rest of Somali community. These delinquents and war-mongering criminals are always desperate for attention. I cannot believe they’re still dancing to clan tunes that remind us of the horrifying nightmare of the civil war. Knowing all this, the President was nonetheless proud to meet with them publicly on a regular basis and treats them as genuine clan leaders instead of charging them with hate and war crimes. Among other privileges given, he dispatched them to Adaado for the capture of one of the notorious Al-Shabaab leaders, Hassan Dahir Aweys. Recently, the President also appointed them to lead a very controversial delegate went to Hargeisa.  Fortunately, their unlawful alliance is in jeopardy now, as the two devils publicly defied the President’s approval on agreements reached by the two opposing sides of South West communities.

Closing Remarks

Somali people and the International community have both lost their trust in the credibility of President Mohamud’s leadership. The President has failed to deal with the existing and the new emerging Federal States, constitution, physical federalism, national resource and capital sharing, and most important of all, the Somali unity. I am not hopeful that the road to recovery can be achieved with the leadership of Mr. Mohamud. The President’s dishonesty, partisanship and incompetence have led many Somalis to believe that he’s not fit to lead the country at this stage. As Ismail A. Ismail (Geeldoon) articulately put it “The Somali ship of State is surely floating – not sailing towards its destination – in a rough and turbulent sea; its navigating instruments have failed, and its captain and crew have lost their sense of direction”. Based on these facts and many more, I would recommend the President step down as he failed to pull people together and lead the country.

Abdirizak A. Aden (Eelay)


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