By Hodman Ahmed

A Shame is when we show embarrassment about an indiscretion, when we feel a sense of shame in having committed an error in judgment. Thus we are forgiven all our sins because we proclaim that our spiritual nervous system is intact and working. Shame is the acknowledgment of boundaries in our lives and the recognition of the danger that arises when they are crossed beyond limits.

shameThe world of real work, perhaps the hardest work we ever do, is the work of change. We cannot hope to change and we cannot begin to change if we don’t acknowledge that what we did was beneath us, unworthy of us and deserving of feeling ashamed. Our country culture, and future offspring had an expression in the past- to describe behavior, conduct, and appearance or personal choice that is unworthy and unacceptable from “Shameless Somalia”. For sure, environment and education is what we stand for. We are the only outdoor obstacle that didn’t put people`s matters first. This is due to our lack of experience, education and challenging commitments. We are confounded by illiterate participants from all parts who would inject power to mitigate. We see a consortium of unique forces representing all our people’s most pressing crises. Some are extraordinary, others are basically from a variety of societies. We have no categories of patriots, or individuals who can change it, therefore they can’t come up with any tangible compromises and the will to help and protect.

The Shameless Somalia that hinders the long-term vision yet brings no solution itself, is like a product, which culprits use for their own selfish gains. I’m scared shamelessness has intruded our lives and sensitivities making us become paralyzed and dulled. When we post an embarrassing link and share publicly, we are acting shamelessly. When we forward emails that contain inappropriate words, images, or even offensive jokes, or language that we should not use or be associated with, present a falsehood and fabrications as the only truth, we are acting shamelessly. That will humiliate and affect us directly and destroy any progress made or goals reached earlier.

Our obstacles are neither innovative nor awesome. Its shameful for Shameless Somalia to be led by inept self serving politicians who allow foreigners to strip our land of our God-given resources. Shameless Somalia has allowed shameless tribal chieftains having no sense of shame and logical reasoning to work in cahoot with these foreign mercenaries to fleece our economy. Our land is being mined and extracted of its vital minerals without our knowledge and participation and our corrupt leaders are busy working with our neighbors to destroy or damage our reputation, integrity, dignity, and sovereignty. Somalia, you may be hot and dry, but rest assured, Shameless Somalia will one day erode away and shine once again in the international community and regain its lost glory.

Being in political crises has brought us faster misfortune that has been part of our daily life. Furthermore, there evolved shock and awe for the corrupt administration in Mogadishu when the Government of Turkey suspended all direct flow of cash in 2013. To feed and nourish its greed and debauchery and ensure the flow of cash, the insatiate Mogadishu administration fell to its knees because of the interruption of its only vital lifeline that was coming from Ankara. This had tantalizing effect on Villa Somalia’s connoisseur of good eating. With nothing to gormandize and its coffers denuded of the vital organs that would keep it on life support, Villa Somalia, under the tutelage of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, pleaded with the West to keep on supporting his whimsical mission. Nothing tangible came from the West other than putting more pressure on the Somali President-pressure that arose as a result of misappropriation of funds and abuse of office by high profile comandantes of Villa Somalia. The rise of political antagonism and the selection of Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Shermarke by President Mohamoud shook the nation’s political spectrum. By this time, seeing the poor state of Somali affairs, friends, partners and nations with interest in Somalia saw stagnation in the democratic political process and formulation of the anticipated 2016 general election for Somalia. Parliament’s rejection of Shermarke’s line-up of cabinet ministers left everyone wondering if anything comaptible with future Somalia governance was in the making. Now that the PM has thoroughly cherry-picked the names of his sixty bloated cabinet, the next phase depends on how the otiose parliament reaches consensus.

Dr. OmerShameless Somalia`s former Central Bank chief, Abdulsalam Omer is quoted to have said that during his seven-month tenure the support from Turkey amounted to $4.5 million per month which was paid in cash to the Central Bank; these funds donated by the Turkish government disappeared into thin air.  The strangest thing is that the same Abdulsalam has been appointed  minister with significant portfolio- Foreign Minister.
Also his Successor, Yussur Abrar, who was the first female chosen to such a position immediately resigned after seven weeks in the work, citing corruption concerns. In a letter she proudly exhibited to the public domain, she complained that she had been pressured to accept arrangements that would open a door to corruption by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and his aides.

The shameless Somalia`s head appoints all prominent positions to his sect, tribe and even favors more; his major issue is to remove the big picture from the map, and weaken his political opponents so that the large majority communities become minority. There is a quote which says, “I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep”; with that I mean, Shameless Somalia people are those 100 lions led by a sheep today.

Hodman Ahmed


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