Puntland focus group concerned about current situation in the state and warns of election delay

Puntland focus group concerned about current situation in the state and warns of election delay

For Immediate Release

We, the Puntland Focus Group, would like to inform the Puntland people and Government of Puntland State of Somalia, that we remain extremely concerned about the governance and current situation in the State.

Putland State of Somalia

It has come to our attention that the President of Puntland State is now entertaining an illegal extension of the Government’s five-year term. This behind-the-scenes political effort contradicts Article 79 of the Puntland Constitution, which limits the Government and Parliament’s term to five years.

We all remember that, in 2001, when the Government attempted to extend its term it lead to the Puntland Civil War (2001-2003), leading to hundreds of death and displacement. We strictly warn that, any attempt to extend the Government’s term shall incite public unrest and political instability.

We agree on the following Recommendations:

  1. The Puntland Constitution should be respected, adhered to and practiced – by the Government and people of Puntland State. The term of the Government of Puntland State of Somalia ends on January 7, 2019, and the Presidential Election should be held on January 8, 2019.
  2. The security of Puntland State should be strengthened and given priority. Puntland State boundaries should be defended and protected, as required by the Constitution.
  3. The Federal Constitution review process should be inclusive, transparent and serve the best interests of the people of Somalia. Once reviewed, negotiated and completed, the Federal Constitution’s referendum process should be delayed, pending a successful negotiation with Somaliland Government. Until then, Puntland Government shall retrain and exercise powers enumerated state constitution which was adopted by constituency assembly in April 18, 2012, and granted under the Provisional Federal constitution.
  4. The Puntland Government is elected to represent the will of people and it is the sole authority responsible to represent the State’s public interest as required by the Puntland Constitution. No other individual, authority or group has been delegated or authorized to speak or negotiate on behalf of Puntland State in any manner of public interest, and in particular, if the issues have the potential to impact on the Puntland State’s border, economy or its internal political structure.
  5. The Somaliland must withdrew from Tukaraq town and Sool region immediately, without delay or condition in order to avoid further instability, conflict and violence in the region.

Puntland Focus Group Members:

Abdullahi Ahmad Jama (Ilka Jiir)
Abdi Farah Said (Juha )
Ali Haji Warsame
Farah Ali Shire
Haji Mohamed Yasin
Issa Mohamud Farah (Dhollowaa)
Khalif Ise Mudan
Mohamud Ahmad Hasan (Dhagaweyne)
Said Abdullahi Dani

For more information

Issa Mohamud Farah (Dhollowaa)

Email: dhollowaa2013@gmail.com

Cell phone: (Australia) +61469728645


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