Mogadishu – Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed has accepted today’s parliamentary vote withdrawing confidence from his administration.
“I accept the decision of the House of the People following today’s vote. I wish to reiterate that I remain steadfast in upholding the law and have been diligent in executing my constitutional mandate as Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia,” said Prime Minister Abdiweli.
The Prime Minister called on all Somalis and international partners to remain focused in achieving Vision 2016 and the goal of delivering long-term stability, development and reform for Somalia.
“We must eradicate a culture of impunity, disregard for the law and corruption if Somalia is to make meaningful progress. My administration has been relentless in our pursuit for reform and we leave a solid foundation that carries the hopes and aspirations of all Somalis. These dreams must be realized,” asserted Prime Minister Abdiweli adding that today’s outcome “must serve as a moment of reflection for leaders on their responsibility to the country and its people.”
Reaffirming his continued participation in Somalia’s transformation, Prime Minister Abdiweli thanked his administration and citizens for their unwavering determination to realize a better Somalia.
Communications Department
Office of the Prime Minister
Twitter: @PMOCOMMS
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