By Abdiwahab M. Ali
Dear Prime minister-elect,
I could have just discerned your biography and felt delirious about your experience. Having tasted heavy burdens from some people, will you make their burdens lighter or will you dismiss people’s pleas? Do you have the moral and revolutionary courage to commit class suicide and do battle with the dragon of graft? And are you, as such, ballsy to face the jungle?
Many Somalis are making such inquiries because when our leaders ever swear on the Glorious Qur’an to work impartially but constantly default, they even talk of unity and inclusion yet they send contrasting signals; this is the cause for worry.
On behalf of millions of Somalis who are concerned about the recent political change in villa Somalia, I wish to respectfully express my heartfelt congratulation on your new ministerial appointments. You have an unpredictable time, but not more than months (less holidays, time off sick and being moved on or sacked) to make a difference.
Sir, given the uncertainties of ministerial tenure, you can’t count on lasting all those days, so, if you are going to make any difference at all to the world through being a Prime Minister, you’d better get on with it! And turn the old page; take a different direction than the path your antecedents took.
Mr. Prime minster you had been selected as the leader of this flimsy government, togetherness we could develop as an African proverb illustrates ““If you want to go faster, go alone; but if you want to go further, go together.” We urge you to take hold of your God-given opportunity to help bring truth, justice and reconciliation and healing that is so needed for the survival of our severely mutilated, paralyzed and divided nation.
Suffice to say, Your Excellency, that your name and that of the Right Hon. Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, will firmly appear to the history in either two ways: struggler for the good of the people or facilitator of ‘la Politique du Ventre’ which translates to “Politics of the Belly”, an expression coined by Cameroonians and borrowed by Jean-François Bayart in his 1989 book: L’etat en Afrique.
La Politique du Ventre is a multi-faceted metaphor for form of governance that arose across Africa following independence, characterized by a controlling government and the interdependence of the elite in control of the public and the private spheres.
The rapacious nature of Somalia’s successive administrations generated incentives for government ministers and others to ‘lift’ from the resources of the state as well as international aids while their people are starving inside and outside the country.
Nelson Mandela, the distinguished African leader, ended apartheid in South African. Abraham Lincoln, the great American president, ended slavery and stopped America from breaking apart during the devastating civil war. Your Excellency should lead in finally freeing Somalia from Civil war, In shaa Allaah.
Cautionary Tale and the potholes ahead!
Your Excellency, as you prepare to officially take the reins, please take time to reflect on the gravity of the times… was once said: “if you want to know more about the future, look to the past”.
Speaking candidly, Somalis far and wide, and across the globe, applauded and fairly chanted on the establishment of the new government in September 2012 and it must be acknowledged that the current administration had delivered much and should be granted the highest accolade.
However, not all citizens did bode well; these individuals are not agitators without cause, nor are they ‘all’ suffering from malevolent tribal bigotry.
They are all aggrieved at the recent corrosive incidents and political infightings; from regional wars in Jubba areas that eroded much time; Yusur Abrar’s resignation and finally the late dissention of the senior leaders that led to the down fall of the former Prime Minister Shirdon.
To the all the mousetraps mentioned earlier, the new Somali government had dismally failed to live up to its expectations. Its failure is self-inflicted and was mainly political and a problem of governance than the lack of internal and external support. This might not be revelatory rather a reinforcing assertion.
Sir, we know you know much of what is wrong in Somalia and might want to change it but will you have limits set on, recognize the opportunity to jump from the sinking ship, and make history.
Being first minister, you are engaged in a double task, Recovery and Reform; — recovery from the downswing and the passage of those political and social reforms which are long overdue.
Quick results are crucial; but haste will be injurious, and wisdom of long-range purpose is more necessary than immediate achievement. Your Excellency, build strong institutions upon which your successor can take to an even higher level.
Transformational change must be based on love rather than hatred; dialogue rather than violence; reconciliation rather than vengeance. This is the only way we can pass on a blessing rather than a curse. “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding”-Einstein (Quoted in Top Albert Einstein).
In the Reform phase and as so to avoid the hammer and tongs with President Hassan, distinct duties and responsibilities must be drawn. George Santayana, Spanish Philosopher once said “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. Be aware of the periodic bust-ups between the senior members.
In conclusion, if you choose to take these strong steps forward, we understand that it may cost you great sacrifice, but you will be choosing the side of rectitude. People will know it and stand by you! The past is the past and we must move ahead.
Keep your focus on the bigger picture and reach out to others and listen! Care about those who are suffering! Think about the mother next to the presidential palace who is dying after birth, the poor youth condemned into the empty SaharaDesert so your sons might have everything on the desk, and also, remember the innocent women raped by a merciless soldier.
This is our prayer and may the grace of Allah be with you as you ponder these and other heavy issues you must deal with as our new prime minister.
Abdiwahab M. Ali
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