Jet lag could soon be cured after the discovery of a gene which prevents us from adjusting to new time zones.
When flying long-haul, it can take some travellers days before they overcome the fatigue and can enjoy a good night’s sleep.
But they’ll be relieved to know that a pill to beat the misery of jet lag could soon be developed, after Oxford scientists found a specific gene which stops our body clock from re-setting.
And in tests where it was switched-off in mice, the researchers found they experienced little if any jet lag when moved three time zones.
The researchers believe the gene acts as a safety brake preventing our internal clock from getting out of synch, as disruption has been linked to a host of chronic diseases.
However, in an era of modern travel, many would welcome a quick way of adjusting their body to local time.
‘We’ve identified a system that actively prevents the body clock from re-adjusting,’ said co-author Dr Stuart Peirson from Oxford University. ‘If you think about, it makes sense to have a buffering mechanism in place to provide some stability to the clock.
‘The clock needs to be sure that it is getting a reliable signal, and if the signal occurs at the same time over several days it probably has biological relevance. But it is this same buffering mechanism that slows down our ability to adjust to a new time zone and causes jet lag.’ He said compounds are already available to limit this mechanism and drugs to combat the condition could be on the market within a decade.
Nearly all living creatures are regulated by the circadian rhythm – the body’s own internal clock – which responds to the natural light cycle and influence our sleep and eating pattern.
Jet lag tends to kick in on journeys that involve travelling across more than three time zones.
When we travel long-haul, specialised light receptors in our eyes detect the change and begin synchronising our internal clock with local time.
However, this can take up to one day for every hour the clock has shifted, resulting in several days of unpleasant side-effects, such as fatigue and disrupted sleep.
In order to uncover why it takes so long to recover the study, published in the journal Cell, exposed mice to light during the hours of darkness.
The team identified a group of genes that all worked towards re-adjusting the animal’s internal clock in response to the light, except one that acted as a brake to limit their effects.
When this gene was switched off in mice and they travelled across time zones, they recovered from jet lag around three times faster, and in some cases they experienced no jet lag at all,’ said Dr Peirson.
When it comes to jet lag, eastward journeys, such as to Asia, tend to be more problematic than westward ones, as the body finds it harder to adjust to a slightly shorter day than a longer one.
Previous research suggests that travelling on an empty stomach can help beat the condition. U.S. researchers recommended not eating at all while in the air to fool the body’s rhythms into rapidly adjusting to another time zone.
Disruptions to our internal body clock have been linked to increased risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as weakened immunity to infections and several mental health conditions.
Russell Foster, director of the Oxford University Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute, said: ‘We’re still several years away from a cure for jet-lag but understanding the mechanisms that generate and regulate our circadian clock gives us targets to develop drugs to help bring our bodies in tune with the solar cycle. Such drugs could potentially have broader therapeutic value for people with mental health issues.’
Source: Mail Online
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