Mobile phones will not be switched off, says Wangusi

By Roselyn Obala |

NAIROBI, KENYA: Mobile communication will remain uninterrupted on the polling day, the Communication Authority of Kenya (CA) has said. CA boss Francis Wangusi said they will ensure seamless network provision for result transmission as well as private communication for mobile users in the country.

There have been fears that mobile network could be interfered with since the three main mobile network providers would be involved in result transmissions for the August 8 General Election. “We will ensure there is uninterrupted communication to Kenyans on elections day. We have sufficient capacity to ensure the private and public and communication for Kenyans and IEBC is seamless,” said Wangusi.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has contracted three network providers to electronically transmit results for Tuesday polls.

Safaricom, Airtel and Telkom Kenya will provide a secure conduit to transmit the encrypted results between the over 40,800 polling stations and the commission’s data centre.

Source; Standard Media.

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