Skipping prayers is unfortunately something common among many Muslims. Many, nonetheless, keep going back to prayers out of fear, and rightfully so, of Allah, majestic in His praise. Faith is connected to fear and this applies and is beneficial for someone without a firm ground in religion.
With regards to fear, our Prophet (peace be upon him) based on his incomparable knowledge of Allah and spiritual reality said, “Truly, I am the most God-fearing among you.”
As believers, the essence of faith should not be based solely on fear. It is a stage that may be central for many in our path to Allah considering the nature of our egos, psyches and worldliness. The human soul is created with basic fear and it should be dealt with and straightened in order to get close to Allah.
Having said that hope should always outweigh fear. Imam Al-Ghazali mentions, continuous dependence on fear undoubtedly leads to despair. At any stage, one should have a little more hope than fear.
Deeds based on hope are better than ones based on fear. This is why traditional scholars of Islam say that throughout life, Muslims should not think that they are destined for salvation and Paradise; but when on the deathbed, Muslims should believe otherwise — Allah will be pleased and will accept them into Paradise.
Still, neither fear nor hope is the highest rank that believers should aim for. Ihsan (excellence), as explained by our most beloved Prophet (peace be upon him), is “worshiping Allah as if you see Him.”
This is the highest form of worship. It consists of many more aspects than mere fear or hope: Love, satisfaction, absolute submission to Allah, infinite certitude and intent for closeness.
Practical solutions
Now that fear in relation to skipping prayers is contextualized, what are the most practical and functional ways to deal with this problem?
First, there is no solution without repenting immediately. Despite all the tricks that our egos and Satan play on us, there is no excuse for us to delay repentance. Allah is Almighty, worthy of absolute worship eternally and we must endeavor to be an obedient servant of Allah, Most Sublime.
Second, no one can be convinced and firm in carrying out such a great task (attending to the subscribed prayers) that easily, unless there is an incentive for doing it.
Prayers involve commitment to doing something five times a day even waking up at dawn.
Here is something practical that should make things easier. No one can do such a great task without knowing its worth.
Read the chapter on prayers in the book, Ihya Ulum Ad-Din (The Revival of Islamic Sciences) by Al-Ghazali, a book of tremendous benefit, and which will benefit the readers in repenting and internalizing the significance of prayers.
The chapter is based on an insightful understanding of many scholars, which is derived from the verse that reads: “And Allah has created you and what you make.” (Qur’an, 37:96) and the Hadith of the Prophet: “The heart of a believer lies between two fingers of the Merciful.” (Muslim)
Third, after that, you should make continuous heartfelt and genuine supplications to Allah to help you, expressing your readiness to Allah’s guidance.
Fourth, many scholars give the following advice based on the verse: “And when your Lord proclaimed, “If you are grateful, I will give you more.” (Qur’an, 14:7)
Whenever Allah allows for believers an act of worship, they should be grateful to Allah for it. Keep invoking ‘Alhamdulillah’ (all praise be to Allah) until Allah grants you success in being consistent with offering prayers on time.
Fifth, one of the methods that Shaikh Nuh Keller prescribes as a cure for this problem — a solution that has also been traditionally followed — is based on the genius of the divinely inspired prophetic wisdom in the tradition “whoever prays to Allah 40 days catching the first Takbir (the opening invocation) in a group would have two clearances; a clearance from Hell and a clearance from hypocrisy.” (At-Tirmidhi)
This solution is also inspired by the numerous Hadiths related to continuing an act of worship for that period and also the period of the spiritual retreat of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) that is mentioned in the Qur’an. Human nature can break a habit and start one anew if practiced for 40 continuous days. Try to promise yourself to perform prayers without missing any for 40 days. Every time you break the sequence, start from the beginning.
Also for men, praying in congregation (jamaah) — with all its rewards and spiritual and psychological benefits — is a great method to overcome this problem.
What you could also do is punish your ego with ascending measures. For example, every time you miss a prayer, pray it immediately and then pray two extra rakahs. If it happens again, pray four, then, eight, then 16, etc. (All of which will be in the form of two rakahs). This way our ego will be tamed, depending on the seriousness and sincerity we put into doing so. Finally, whether in the prescribed prayers or other ones, deal with them as something you do with love, not fear, not just a fulfillment of a compulsion.
The essence of our religion that is rightfully veiled from many is love; have not we listened to the Hadith Qudsi that says, “There is nothing that My servant approaches Me with that is more loved by Me than what I made obligatory on him.” (Al-Bukhari) And nothing is more important in this religion than prayer, especially when performed on time.
— Courtesy: onislam.net
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