By Ahmed Hirsi
In this series, the History of Jubaland and the City of Kismayu a wide range of empirical evidences derived from various databases such as National Archives in London will form a solid basis for the series. Also a comprehensive collection of historical documents; books and facts will be presented. The aim being the facts presented here will contribute to the better understanding of the history of Jubaland and its citizens.
Moreover, the series will make an effort in explaining as to why certain clans in this region yearn for the formation of a regional government. Debunking the immense propaganda directed at the rightful owners of Jubaland will be the central theme of the series.
Speaking of propaganda, new research suggests that misinformed people rarely change their minds when presented with the facts — and often become even more attached to their beliefs.
But before the ancient and contemporary history of Jubaland is presented, I will take you through the Somali governments stand and policy towards Jubaland . Besides, this series will reveal and expose the Somali government’s techniques, tactics and approaches aimed at extricating Jubaland State. Finally, the series will present the grievances of Jubalanders on hosts of issues.
Why is the History of Jubaland and Kismayo Relevant Now?
I was made aware of the overall deficiency of historical facts regarding the area under discussion by a number of journalists, analysts, academicians and readers alike. Dozens or so readers who had read my previous article entitled: Kismayu, Kenyans and Kinship, pointed it out as well, thus it would have been helpful for readers to position themselves had they been furnished with some sort of historical evidence.
Secondly, I would like to highlight a number of historical facts that are unknown to many Somalis. In that regard if I may borrow the notorious funny quote by Donald Rumsfeld former US Secretary of Defence during the Iraqi War: Unknown Knowns :
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.
Hence, unravelling Jubaland’s unknown knowns are crucial because we are on a regular basis bombarded with disinformation, half-truths and manufactured history by journalists, politicians and laymen for various reasons, clan affiliation or personal interest.
By the same token, I was compelled to go through tons of materials with a fine-tooth comb at the British and Italian colonial archives that have a lot of material on the subject matter under discussion so that all unknown knowns are impartially illuminated rather than the usual clannish fairytales Wheelchair Warriors/Fadhi kudirir Generals sell to us day in and day out.
Read more- Kismayo : Peering Through Historical lenses
Ahmed A Hirsi
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