Press Release
The Jubbaland State Government welcomes the UN Security Council Press Statement of June 13, 2013 and supports its provisions that “all parties to refrain from any action which may threaten the peace and stability of the Juba regions” and to “engage in dialogue in a constructive manner to achieve a peaceful resolution to the current crisis and to alleviate the dire humanitarian situation”.
It is well known to all Somalis and the international community that the Somali Federal Government (SFG) is responsible for the recent disturbance to the peace and stability of Jubbaland through openly financing and inciting conflict which was carried out by SFG Ministers and senior military officials who visited Kismayo on a number of occasions. The Jubbaland State urges the SFG to desist and refrain from further destabilization actions against the State Government and people of Jubbaland, and takes this opportunity remind the SFG of the tremendous cost of the painstaking gains made against Al-Shabaab terrorism.
Following the recent fighting in Kismayo, the Jubbaland State Government undertook extensive campaign of stabilization, peace awareness creation and local reconciliation. Fortunately, the situation of Kismayo in particular and Jubbaland in general is now calm despite the continued and combined warfare of the Al-shabaab and the SFG against the people and State Government of Jubbland.
The Jubbaland State Government assures the people of Somalia, UN Security Council, IGAD, UNSOM and the international community that it will do all in its power to promote peace and stability in Jubbaland and in Somalia as a whole. With regard to alleviating the humanitarian crisis, the Jubbaland State Government wishes to emphasize the urgency of this issue, to assure humanitarian actors that the situation is now stable, and stands ready to extend all facilitation required.
The Jubbaland State Government is ready for peace and cooperation dialogue with the SFG through fair and just mediation of IGAD in a neutral venue with a conducive environment for peaceful dialogue. It should be noted, however, that this conflict is not only between the Jubbaland State Government and the SFG.
It is a larger, more serious constitutional and governance conflict between the Centre and the Regions of Somalia i.e. the SFG, on one side, and all the Regional entities (Puntland, Somaliland, Jubbaland, Northwest, Hiiran and Central regions etc) and it requires the urgent benevolent and neutral mediation of all Somalis and the international community.
The President of Jubbaland State of Somalia has formed a committee to investigate recent Kismayo disturbance of June 07 – 08, 2013 where innocent lives and properties were lost.
Once again, Jubbaland State of Somalia confirms its commitment to IGAD and UN resolutions and hopes the SFG will practically and sincerely commit to respect IGAD and UN resolutions as well.
Abdinasser Serar
Contact: +252-616070007
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