Interview with Dr. Mohamud H. Egeh: Vice-Chancellor, Eelo University, Borama

Editors Note: A unique university having the hallmarks of an international institution of higher learning has emerged in the city of Borama located in the northwestern tip of Somaliland. Known as Eelo University, it prides to be located in the Awdal region of Somaliland-a region that takes its name from a medieval empire known as the Adal Sultanate and that has spearheaded other Somali regions in terms of historical significance, inculcating peace and prosperity, spearheading religious propagation, and taking the lead in cultural advancement. In an interview with Dr. Mohamud H. Egeh, the Vice-Chancellor of Eelo University, our celebrated editor, Adan Makina, paintakingly took the lead to bring you the interview in its entirety


WardheerNews (WDN): Dr. Mohamud H. Egeh, it’s a pleasure to have you on WardheerNews.  

Mohamud Hussein Egeh: Thank you. It is my honor to be interviewed by WardheerNews.  

WDN: Before we begin our interview, please tell us briefly about your academic background? 

Mohamoud EgehMohamud: I am a have Ph.D. in Water Resources, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, IA, USA, 2004; I also did a Master of Science in Agricultural and Environmental Science, McGillUniversity, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Montreal, QC, 1999. My undergraduate is a BSc. in Agricultural Science, Somali National University, Afgoi, Somalia, 1989.

WDN: You are the Vice-Chancellor of Eelo University, a university many would like to know more about in this exclusive interview. Tell us about the university, how it evolved, and the people and institutions or organizations that took part in its formation or establishment as an institution of higher learning?

Mohamud: EeloUniversity is located in Borama – Awdal region of Somaliland; to the northwestern Somalia. EU is a Non-Profit Organization founded by members of the Somali local community and those in the Diaspora to provide a top quality education to the communities in this region and beyond. It was founded on the principle that the fundamental and lasting benefits that result from higher education, scientific and technical research, and community participation will enhance the lives of all the residents in the region. We provide our students an opportunity to pursue appropriate skills. We as well contribute to all regional communities’ educational research, and economical objectives. Through our strong higher education programmes in the fields of engineering and technology, management sciences, agriculture and research we hope to contribute to the re-building of the country both public and private sectors, formulation of the educational systems, and improving opportunities for the international community to contribute to the development, securing the peace and stability and reducing poverty in the region.

WDN: Borama is home to other universities such as Amoud. What made it so important to establish another institution of higher education such as Eelo in Borama?

Mohamud: EU realized a lot of gaps that needed to be covered. Our country and region needed skills with orientation to protracted sustainability. We have an education system that addresses the persistent problems like food scarcity, unemployment and irregular migrations.

Read more: Interview with Mohamud Hussein Egeh


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