By WardheerNews
Editor’s Note: Dr. Abdurahman M. Abdullahi (Baadiyow) is a Somali activist, educator, politician and the chairman of National Unity Party (NUP) and deputy chairman of the Forum for Unity) and Democracy(FUD), the largest political coalition in Somalia. Dr. Baadiyow was one of the top candidates of the 2012 Somali presidential election. WDN had an insightful and multi-faced interview with Dr. Baadiyow on the current situation in Somalia, both the challenges and the prospects. Abdelkarim A. Hassan has conducted this interview for WDN.
WardheerNews (WDN): Mr. Baadiyow since our last interview in April 2013, are there any progress in the country, and what is your current assessment of the socio-economic and political situation in Somalia?

Dr. Baadiyow: Despite the fact that Somalia has been an independent country for 55 years (1960 independence ), more than a quarter of a century has passed in which its people are living in state of statelessness or dysfunctional governments. In such difficult circumstances, the people of Somalia have demonstrated exceptional resilience and durable coping mechanisms. A small but resilient private sector has thrived, and has provided economic opportunities and social services in the absence of a functioning government. Despite having a newly recognized Federal Government, the input of the government in the socio-economic development remains marginal at best. The current government has dashed the aspirations of the Somali people and the expectations of the international partners who offered an enthusiastic support. Alas to say, the government has been characterized by the same ills of the previous transitional governments since 2000 such as infighting, mismanagement, rampant corruption, low capacity of institution building with more dictatorial proclivity and the appetite to recycle the culture of predatory elites.
WDN: Your party- National Unity Party with some members of Somali parliament and Politicians that include the former PM Abdiwali Sh. Ahmed recently formed a new alliance called “The Forum for Unity and Democracy (FUD)”. What can you tell us about this coalition and its agenda?
Dr. Baadiyow: The formation of The Forum for Unity and Democracy (FUD) should be understood as a positive political development in Somalia. FUD represents a third wave of political evolution since the collapse of the state in 1991. The first one being the decade of warlords (1991-2000), the second being the era of clan power sharing ( 2000-2012), and third is expected to be citizen-centered era. This last stage is what FUD represents and advocates through conducting free and fair elections in 2016. Of course, FUD is in its early stage of leadership formation and public mobilization. It aims to furnish a traditional Somali style of dialogue, a dialogue under the tree of dialogue known as “shir,” in which Somalis can participate to shape the future of their country. FUD envisages a united, prosperous and modern Somalia , founded on popular democracy and social justice countering the culture of impunity that feeds on public resources and clan divisions- a country where all citizens enjoy equal political, economic and socio-cultural rights – a country that is corruption free and aspires to create a new political culture based on unity and democracy.
WDN: “The Forum for Unity and Democracy (FUD)” members include such a large number of politicians with diverse interests, some mostly known to oppose the current president. Can it be said that the FORUM lacks a coherent national agenda to bring Somalia back to a secure and stable country, but a coalition brought together only to oppose a common adversary and that is the current President Hassan Sh. Mohamud?
Dr. Baadiyow: As a general rule, political coalitions are formed to oppose certain policies and to promote common agendas, and that is true with FUD’s formation. The initial idea of building a political coalition started after the eruption of the disagreement between President Hassan Sheikh and Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh and the subsequent polarization of the Parliament and the Cabinet Ministers in two camps. The later development was an alliance of the many emerging political parties with the camp of the former PM and thus, FUD was formed. Members of FUD agreed on certain principles outlined in its Manifesto issued on January 5, 2015, including that of holding free and fair elections in 2016 was paramount in bringing back citizen-driven democracy to Somalia. In addition, members of FUD stood against the current political culture of: dictatorial tendency, bad governance, damaged internal unity, all of which had paralyzed state institutions and frustrated international stakeholders. Moreover, FUD members have taken a more responsible approach than simply criticizing the regime by allocating a lot of resources in programs that enable our people to have responsible government through democratic elections in 2016. The first of such programs was the election model of “Proportional Representation” and other programs are forthcoming.
WDN: Many believe that President Hassan squandered the opportunity to lead Somalia to stability with functional institutions. How would you characterize the president’s performance thus far?
Dr. Baadiyow: In the beginning, the Somali people and the international community had high hopes for President Hassan, as he was a vibrant and educated civil society activist. However, that image had been tarnished after the first years of low performance and concentration of power in Villa Somalia. The first year of President Hassan could be characterized as the era of dominance of “Policy Unit” over the Council of Ministers, prominence of shadowy circle around the president, appearance of his dictatorial tendency and skyrocketing corruption. Obviously, this culture had paralyzed the institutional building process and had shattered the high hopes in him. The second government under PM Abdiweli was paralyzed by the continued culture of the President and internal conflict was mounting. As result, the President lost the support of the people and under his rule, the country is more divided, waddling economically and the international community is frustrated. It is true that the current leadership has squandered the unprecedented opportunity of rebuilding Somalia available to them. The six pillar plan of the President has evaporated, and we do not hear of anymore pledges being committed to the New Deal, which has become a daydream of sorts. The country requires a new approach and the concerted efforts of all stakeholders. However, the first step is changing the political culture of the Presidency.
Read more: WardheerNews interview II with Dr Baadiyow
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