Hopes in President Hassan Sh. Mohamoud of Somalia Dashed

By Ismail H. Warsame

It’s now quite clear to everyone in Somalia and within the Diaspora that the Somali President and his close allies are pursuing a policy agenda incompatible with the aspirations of majority of the Somali people- to end the Civil war, safeguard unity and sovereignty and move forward in peace and prosperity for all. President Hassan came to power with the benefit of the doubt that he might take the lead to turn Somalia around and restore trust among the warring factions in the re-creation of the 3rd Republic.  Unfortunately peoples hopes have been dashed as the President became part of the problem rather than the solution. He has been deeply engaged in a struggle and vicious fight against the fundamental law of his country – The Constitution. He has become a thorn to every positive action and initiative to adhere to the laws of the land. His allies, including Farah Abdulkadir, have been excited by and congratulated each other on the recent illegal formation of Galmudug in flagrant violation of the Constitution.

Hassan_Culusow_LondonThe President had spent the major portion of his four-year mandate fighting with Puntland and Jubaland. He reneged every memorandum of understanding with these federal states.

Luckily, at least, the President has been consistent and true to his undeclared war and political agenda now so obvious to all to take a firm stand against the ill-advised president before the entire country relapses into a renewed civil war. Unfortunately President Hassan has completely lost the people’s trust. He is a new warlord with yet another dangerous and divisive agenda.

Puntland Multifaceted Stagnation

On the current situation in Puntland, it is important to note that when an organization, a business enterprise, or a country does not expand socially, organizationally, economically, or politically, it means something is going to happen to it. In other words, the entity is shrinking and imploding with all the problems that may entail. The rule: Either you make things happen, or things will happen to you, aptly apply here.

When countries don’t expand by embracing changes for progress at highest level possible, to better life for its citizens and readily compete regionally and globally, they slowly die like the Greece because others would make decisions to change for them.

This is exactly what was happening to Puntland, case in point Guldmudug and Khaatumo creation because of Puntland’s multifaceted prolonged stagnation.

One of the major contributors to this implosion and chronic paralysis of Puntland is its politically sanctioned primitive system of governance, a) whereby only a few participate in the political process; b) whereby Parliament and the Judiciary are rubberstamps of the President; c) whereby the Traditional Leadership is manipulated, divided and even some corrupted, and whereby every incoming President promises changes for multi-party electoral system, but never honours his election pledges for meaningful changes.
The 2nd major challenge is the seemingly established sub-clan dominated political elite in Garowe, who cling to the status quo and resist any political changes. This includes the so-called “AARAN JAAN” grouping.

Every time, every past leader got away with this open public deception with impunity. No Puntland leader minds leaving viable institutions behind.

No wonder Puntland now finds itself politically cornered, economically squeezed and its unity, peace, and I would rather add, its very survival is at stake.


When Mohamed Warsame Ali “Kiimiko,” then the self-proclaimed President of the entity seeking recognition of Galmudug, came to visit the Late President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, Abdullahi Yusuf, in Baydhabo in early 2006, the Later asked Kiimiko about the composition and boundaries of Galmudug. Kiimiko could not deliver a satisfactory answer. Abdullahi Yusuf then told Kiimiko to first get the answer to this question and come back to see him again.

Xasan Sheekh & Cabdikarim Guleed

The Somali Saying, “Wax Badso Wax Beel Beey Leedahay”, aptly apply here. Instead of lobbying for Hiiraan and Middle Shabeelle inclusion, the visionaries of Galmudug had come up with the idea to found it on mirage, dream and fantasy. It was a concept built on provocation, in the first place. This reminds us of Ismail Mire’s “Ragoow Kibirka Waa Lagu Kufaa ee kaa Halla Ogaado”.

Despite the fanfare in Cadaado and Mogadishu about the “Election” of a key Damul Jadiid member as the “president” of that utopian state of Galmudug, it appears to me that the idea behind the formation of “Galmudug” have suffered an irreversible damage. It will take some time to get a viable entity out of this mess. It is vital and in the best of interest of Somalia to get a workable federal state in Central Somalia, but one based on the provisions of the Federal Constitution, not fraudulent imposition and new territorial grab.

It is not enough for Puntland only to refuse the recognition of Galmudug because of border disputes and violation of the Federal Constitution. Puntland’s interest lies in helping people of Central Somalia to form a workable state, and Puntland thus acts as a leader in re-establishing a nation-state.

Ismail H. Warsame
WardheerNews Contributor
Email: ismailwarsame@gmail.com
Twitter: @ismailwarsame
Mr. Warsame is a writer and political analyst, mainly interested in regional states of Somalia and Somalia’s past insurgency against Barre’s regime. Warsame is also one of the Key Founders of Puntland State of Somalia and the first Chief of Staff of its Presidency from1998-2004.

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