It sounds too good to be true. A diet drink which claims to help people lose up to a stone in weight by mimicking the actions of a gastric band is to go on sale in Britain.
The makers of Full & Slim say it works by expanding in the stomach to convince the drinker that he or she is full.
They claim it can help overweight people lower their cholesterol, absorb fats more efficiently and reduce their chance of developing diabetes.
The drink contains l-carnitine, an amino acid which helps burn fat in the body and turn it into energy, and glucomannan, a natural ‘super-fibre’ derived from the tuberous roots of the konjac plant.
When glucomannan comes into contact with water in the intestine it increases in volume, becoming almost gel-like, causing food to move more slowly through the digestive system.
This, in turn, helps control levels of sugar in the bloodstream.
The makers say that of 500 women who drank the supplement before each meal, around 70 per cent lost a stone or more in weight within six weeks.
Even women who simply took the drink, without dieting or completing any exercise, lost up to 3lbs a week.
Slim director James Harrington said: ‘The combination of ingredients suppresses appetite and mimics the effects of a gastric band, without undergoing the trauma of invasive surgery.
However experts are sceptical about the benefits of natural foods and supplements that claim to speed up weight loss, with many studies claiming over-the-counter drinks and shakes produce no more weight loss than a placebo.
But one recent survey found that, on average, volunteers given 4g of glucomannan a day for five weeks recorded a 5.1 per cent reduction in body weight, as well as a 5.54 per cent drop in their body mass index and 14 per cent drop in cholesterol.

By contrast, slimmers offered a dummy drug or placebo reported drops in weight of just 1.93 per cent, a 1.97 per cent fall in BMI and 12 per cent drop in cholesterol.
The drinks, which come in fruit-flavoured sachets, cost around £1.38 each or £28.95 for 21. Slimmers are advised to drink one with water 30 minutes before every meal. They will be sold at Boots from next month.
Last month scientists revealed they had developed an implant containing genetically engineered cells which could replace the need for gastric band surgery.
It responds to fat in the bloodstream by producing a hormone signal that tells the brain: ‘You’re full, stop eating’.
Source: Mail Online
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