Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Germany’s migration reforms will target African workers

Germany needs skilled labor and considers Africa a place from which to recruit — but that requires reforming its migration law to make it fair and favorable for Germany, as well as for migrants and their homelands.

The German Federal government is expected to pass reforms to its migration law to make it easier for skilled African workers to migrate to Germany, according to the country’s Labor Minister Hubertus Heil.

Heil told DW that the migration reforms in the new anticipated law will be designed for a modern working system in Germany.

“It [the law] will pass through the government and the Parliament this year for a modern system because we need additional to securing the labor force in Germany, skilled migration for the future of our country and therefore we improve the law,” Heil said.

It has always been difficult for African workers wishing to migrate to Germany to do so but, according to Heil, the new reforms  would tackle several issues — including bureaucracy.

“The question [of] how to recognize qualification, the question [of] how fasten visa is very key to this,” Heil explained.

“And so Germany is a modern migration country and if we organize it very good, it’s also a triple-win situation, as I mentioned, for countries of origin, for us as an immigration country and for the labor migrants themselves.”

The average age of Germany’s population is 49 years of age — compared to Ghana’s average of 19 years of age, something Heil said showed that there are a lot of young people who would look for jobs in other countries.

“Germany needs skilled migration in the future because of our demographic structure,” Heil pointed out, but added that Germany must do this in a fair manner.

“We have to organize it very fair between the country of origin as as in migration, country, immigration, country and the migrants themselves. It has to be triple win. And so fairness is key,” Heil said.

Source: DW

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