1. The first annual Ministerial High Level Partnership Forum was held in Copenhagen 19-20 November, co-chaired by HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the President of the Federal Government of Somalia, and the United Nations, and hosted by the Government of Denmark.
2. Fifty-six delegations gathered to review progress made since the Brussels Conference in September 2013, where the New Deal Somali Compact was endorsed, acknowledge challenges encountered in 2014, and identify priorities for 2015.
3. The endorsement of the New Deal Somali Compact marked a new phase in the political relationship between Somalia and the international community. The New Deal Compact binds together the Federal Government’s commitment to working towards stability and the unity of Somalia with the international community’s commitment to provide support.
4. We welcome the Somali Compact progress report, including the Somaliland Special Arrangement annual report, as a first step towards tracking and reporting of implementation of the Somali Compact. We will continue to use the principles of New Deal Engagement in Fragile States based on mutual accountability between Somali government institutions and its international partners, as the basis for ensuring a nationally-led and nationally-owned approach to development. We encourage the Federal Government to continue their efforts to operationalise the Somali Compact with the effective involvement
of the sub-regional and regional administrations.
5. We emphasise that the Somali people need to see the tangible results and deliverables, at the local level of the Somali Compact. To support this we commit to improve the effectiveness of the PSG working groups and the allocation of a dedicated amount of the resources under each Peace and Statebuilding Goals (PSGs) to help further strengthening the link between central and local administration, in order to enhance further development. We recognise that the establishment of the New Deal financing architecture has advanced, including through the establishment of the UN and World Bank administered funding windows and that aid flows have increased. We look forward to the quick establishment of the remaining funding windows, administered by the AfDB and IMF.
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