Ethiopian housemaid on hunger strike

Ethiopian housemaid on hunger strike


An Ethiopian housemaid went on hunger strike in Madinah in an effort to return to her country as soon as possible.

Khaled Al-Harbi, the sponsor of the housemaid, told Arab News that the maid arrived in Saudi Arabia on the fourth of Ramadan.

“We have nothing to say against her,” Al-Harbi said. “She worked diligently since her arrival. Just two days ago she suddenly went on hunger strike and said she wanted to go back to her country as soon as possible.”

“I was concerned because she might die,” he said. “So I went to the employment office and reported the matter to them, but they refused to receive her. They told me to go to the begging fighting office, who also declined to receive her. They told me that I must turn the housemaid to the police.

Al-Harbi said: “When I checked with the police, they told me they couldn’t take her. But they gave me a letter to the begging fighting office asking them to take her in. But they refused. They said that the police is the agency that should turn her to the office, not the sponsor.

“So, we are back to square one. The housemaid is on strike. Everybody declined to receive her. I am at a loss, really don’t know what to do.”

Source: ArabNews

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