€33 million to AMISOM

€33 million to AMISOM

askarAMISOM, the African Union Mission in Somalia, will receive an additional support of €33 million by the European Commission.

EU High Representative Catherine Aston commented, “supporting AMISOM is a key element of the EU’s comprehensive approach to Somalia, assuring the security necessary for the Federal Government of Somalia to provide governance, re-establish the rule of law and provide basic social services to the people. AMISOM will remain important as Somalia, with support from the EU and other partners, develops its own capabilities necessary to assume responsibility for the country’s security.”

According to the European Commission, the renewed EU support will allow AMISOM to reach its total strength of 17,731 troops as authorised by the UN. The EU’s support will cover costs such as troop allowances, costs of the police and civilian component of the mission, and operational costs of the mission headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.

AMISOM is mandated by the UN Security Council to conduct Peace Support Operations in Somalia. Its tasks are to: (i) Support dialogue and reconciliation in Somalia; (ii) Provide protection key infrastructures and to Transitional Federal Institutions; (iii) Assist in the implementation of the National Security Stabilisation Programme (NSSP); (iv) Provide technical assistance to the stabilisation and disarmament efforts; (v) Monitor the security situation in areas of operation; (vi) Facilitate humanitarian operations including repatriation of refugees and Internaly Displaced Persons; (vii) and protect AMISOM personnel, installations and equipment, including self defence.

European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs said about the Mission, “AMISOM continues to play a critical role in establishing a safer and more secure environment in Somalia to the benefit of the Somali people and the development of the country as a whole.”

Source: New Europe

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