Tuesday, July 02, 2024
Wardheer News

A Fresh Vision: Fowzia Haji Adan AU Chairwoman Candidate

WardheerNews Editorial The African Union (AU), founded in 2002, as a successor to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) established in 1963, was envisioned as a robust framework to propel the African continent towards greater unity, peace, and development. Over … Continued

A Husband Burning His Wife to Death-A Grim reality at a glance

By Othman Hassan Family values and the role of the husband hold significant importance in Somali culture, which is deeply rooted in traditions and social structures that prioritize family cohesion and responsibilities. The husband’s responsibilities as provider, protector, spiritual guide, … Continued

Married in the Shadows: The Wives of al-Shabaab

Editor’s note: Within the context of the Al-Shabaab insurgency, wives of the militants often find themselves trapped in a cycle of oppression and coercion. These women are frequently subjected to strict interpretations of Islamic law enforced by the group. In … Continued

Somalia Towards New Horizons: The Quest for AU Leadership

By Mohamed H. Ahmed Somalia has nominated its former Foreign Minister, Fawzia Yusuf Adam, for the seat of AUC Chairperson. This endorsement follows key diplomatic achievements, including the lifting of the arms embargo, securing debt relief, and gaining membership in … Continued

Young woman graduate succeeds in her own laundry business

Warda Ilyas Ahmed, 25, spent two years searching for jobs in Mogadishu based on her hard-earned university degree in agriculture. But when she kept on getting rejections, she turned to entrepreneurship and has set up a growing laundry service business … Continued