Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

Redefining Racism by Reexamining Jeffersonian Democracy

By Ezrah Aharone As America celebrated 240-years of “democracy” on July 4, 2016, the longstanding tradition of hero-worshiping Thomas Jefferson continued.  Meanwhile, as the slaughter of Black people continues in parallel tradition, America tends to disassociate the 18th-century racism and … Continued


“ We belong to God, and unto Him we shall Return” By Ismail Ali Ismail Ambassador Mahammed Garad, scion of the Sultan family of Eastern Sanaag, passed away at his home in Maryland, U.S.A., on the night of 16 May … Continued

Sahankii Richard Burton ee Bariga Afrika

Cutubka 6aad Tarjumo & Tifaftir Boodhari Warsame KURAHA SAYLAC ILAA BANCAWSEEDKA MARAR Hadda ayaan gacaliye L[umsdenow] ka baxay aagga hore ee gubanta si aan ugu baxo oogadada, waa halka ay ku soo ekaadaan silsiladda burralayda Itoobiya ee marka ay ka … Continued

Sahankii Richard Burton ee Bariga Afrika

Cutubka 5aad Tarjumo & Tifaftir Boodhari Warsame Zaylac iyo Buuralayda Laba waddo ayaa Zaylac ku xira Harar. Midda koofur-galbeed aadda ee halowda toosan ah waa toban geeddisocod oo dhaadheer ama 20 gaagaaban[1]. Siddeedda hore carro Ciise ayaa la sii dhaxaa, … Continued


By Said Jama Hussein I was there. I was, to my great delight, one of 17,000 men and women, invited from the four corners of the world to attend the first largest artistic and cultural event ever to be held … Continued


Tarjumo & Tifaftir Boodhari Warsame Hordhac Akristeyaasha sharfanoow, waxa hortiinna yaal ee aan idin la wadaagayaa waa iskudayga tarjumid buug caan ah oo qoraa caan ahi ka qoray socdaal sahan ahaa oo uu sannadkii 1854tii ku maray inta u dhexaysa … Continued


By Said Jama Hussein Abu al-Ala al-Ma’arri, born in Ma’arrat al-No’man, Syria in 973, was a well known Arab philosopher, poet and a writer. Blinded at an early age, he was stern advocate of social justice and lived a secluded, … Continued

Istunka- A Yearly Ritual

By Abdulahi Ahmed (Somaliyow) Editor’s note: Istunka- A Yearly Ritual is an excerpts from the book Somali Folk Dance written by Abdulahi Ahmed (Somaliyow), a librarian at the Library of Congress, the world’s largest library. Somali Folk Dances is a … Continued