Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

Rape: A Conspiracy of Silence

By Yasmeen Maxamuud Editor’s note: We are all saddened by the recent horrific rape of a young innocent Somali girl that took place in Puntland in the hands of six criminals that are still not brought to justice. It’s equally … Continued

Line of Death: A short Story

By Abdihakim Marayare Editor’s Note: This is a vivid, poignant, fictionalized portrayal of Al-Shabaab’s vast infiltration of Mogadishu. The militant group has long waged a war of terror in the capital, killing politicians, journalists, entertainers, and other innocent people. This short … Continued


By Muawiya Muhumed Burale The Government of Kenya has established a Northern Collector Tunnel that will gather water at the source in the Aberdare forest and divert it to Thika’s Ndakani dam for use in Nairobi, according to opposition leader … Continued

Mogadishu: Between Miracles and Maladies

By Hassan M. Abukar Background: A well-placed Somali businessperson sent me this letter via e-mail. It is poignant and bold, straddling between hope and despair, frustration and relief, boom and bust. It is also a testament to the miracles taking … Continued

Passage through Mexico: the global migration to the US

By Nina Lakhani in Tapachula, Mexico, The Guardian The sun has barely risen and already hundreds of migrants are gathered outside the vast white and green immigration detention centre, hoping to get through its gates. Most have travelled thousands of … Continued

Waa kuma ‘Hadraawi’?

W.Q. Siciid Jaamac Xuseen Hadday jiraan malyuun qof oo Hadraawi yaqaan, waxaa hubaal ah in mid waliba sidiisa u yaqaan oo halkaas aad ugu tegaysid malyuun. Aniguna malyuunkaas ayaan ka mid ahay. SIDAAN U AQAAN: Waa qof, waa abuur insi … Continued


By MaanHadal In a small room filled with light, softsmoke blowing from a finely crafted incense burner, a group of men are chewing mouth-watering, bitter-tasting tender stems of Kenyan Miraa – cheerfully tucking handfuls of the stuff into their mouths … Continued

The Rescuers

Photographs by Amnon Gutman In July, photographer Amnon Gutman spent 12 days on board a 50-year-old 100-foot trawler in Libyan coastal waters with a team of Sea Watch volunteers — a crew comprised of doctors, engineers, and a cook, among … Continued

‘I found my dad on Facebook’

By Abdirahim Saeed & Deirdre Finnerty BBC World Service Farhiya was separated from her father when she was a baby She didn’t see him for nearly 40 years They were reunited thanks to a stranger on social media “Congratulations! We … Continued