At 50, Does a Democratic Somaliland Emerge on the Ashes of Somalia? WardherNews Editorial July 12 , 2010 On July 1st, 1960 Somalia became independent with high hopes associated with the then young country; a peaceful, democratic, and internally cohesive nation was anticipated. Alas, none of these were fulfilled. Today, Somalia is engulfed by a...
Category: Editorials
Bad Bedfellows and corruption of Journalism
[vc_column_text width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Is Hiiran Online sleeping with the TFG, or is it a hearsay? Just like many of you, we at WardheerNews have learned recently the attached confidential letter, signed by Sheikh Sharif, is believed to be a directive to hire Hiiraan Online’s Ahmed Gure, so that he could serve at the pleasure of the Sharif-led Transitional Federal Government...
Secret Documents linking the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to a Planned Recovery of Frozen Financial Assets in Foreign Banks*
Translated by WardheerNews from an article by Khalid Mohamoud of the prominent Middle East Arabic print publication: ‘Sharaq-al-Awsad’ on April 2, 2010. ___________________________ A collection of secret documents, obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat from the office of the president of the TFG, sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, has revealed concerted efforts by the President to use an...
Alternative Approaches to Pacifying Mogadishu
Alternative Approaches to Pacifying Mogadishu WardherNews Editorial January 07, 2010 For the last twenty years, Somalis have hoped, and so we expressed in these pages of WardheerNews, that each prospective year would be decidedly different. Although peace and development has sustainably improved with each passing year in the Horn of Africa region, things have gotten...
Abdullahi Yusuf’s Resignation and the Uncertain Prospects of the 2009
Abdullahi Yusuf’s Resignation and the Uncertain Prospects of the 2009 WardherNews Editorial December 31, 2008 Forget piracy in Somalia’s coast, and forget starvation and president Rayale’s obsessive cliché of “the further the South region sinks in conflict, the closer comes the recognition of Somaliland,” the events that took place in Baydhabo in the waning days...
Sustaining Stability in Somaliland May Take Rayaale’s Quiting
Sustaining Stability in Somaliland May Take Rayaale’s Quiting WardherNews Editorial Sept 16 , 2009 Despite biblical proportions of destructions blanketing most of Somalia, the self-declared autonomous region of Somaliland has been a peaceful area for almost the better part of the last twenty years. This has been possible in Somaliland because of several intertwined social...
Somalia’s tragedy: Ahmedou Ould Abdallah’s search for personal fame and grandiose exit
By WadheerNews Since positive news about Somalia is rare and almost non existent, the unprecedented move by the weak transitional parliament on August 1st to reject a shoddy deal signed by the TFG and the republic of Kenya was welcoming news. This was with regard to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Transitional Federal Government...
Eyl: Postcard from the Center of Somali Piracy
WardheerNews editorial– WardherNews special report Garowe, (WDN) – The Somali pirates that have wreaked havoc on the shipping lanes of the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean in recent years have been widely covered in the international media. However, little is known about the basis on the coast of the Horn of Africa where Somali...
The Follies of the Somaliland Guurti should not Cloud the Search for Sustainable Peace
The Follies of the Somaliland Guurti should not Cloud the Search for Sustainable Peace WardherNews Editorial April 06 , 2009 By the time this editorial hit’s the print, Hargaysa and other major cities in Somaliland may have witnessed massive defiant demonstrations organized by the KULMIYE/QARAN opposition parties to protest the term extension the House of...
Piracy in Somalia: An Act of Terrorism or a Territorial Defense Mechanism?
WardheerNews Editorial Lately, the western media has particularly focused on stories of the Somalia piracy, which in effect has received more coverage than the often-talked clan conflicts, or the ever-growing muscle of the Youth fundamentalist group Al-Shabab that hostage the fate of the Somali people. Armed with speed boats and sophisticated light arms, Somali pirates,...