By Abdi M. Ahmed (Herer)
Troy City, Ancient Greek– synonymous to Buhodle – Is a city well-known to both history and legend. It’s best known for being the setting of the Trojan War. It was the home of undefeated warriors.
Buhodle is also well known to produce brave warriors who defended not only this city but fought on many other fronts against the Imperial British Colony and other state enemies in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. Geographically Buhodle is situated in the dry semi-desert of Northern Somalia also known as “Hawd” which borders between Somali Republic and the Somali Region of Ethiopia. Its dwellers are well respected with their patriotism, poetry and Union gatekeepers.
Crying Orphans of Buhodle
For years, Buhodle was a battleground of unionists against secessionists. Since 2010, a number of fierce confrontations befell within Buhodle district. Many people were killed, many more were wounded, and Somaliland (SL) militias who deliberately attacked this peaceful district to capture and control it forcefully displaced countless residents. As result of these assaults and indiscriminate killings and displacements of many innocent people by Somaliland (SL) militias, thousands of children became orphans. They lost their only bread earns, their fathers to the various massacres. Though the poverty, unemployment and illiteracy were very high in Buhodle district, the lengthy wars and destructions have further deteriorated the conditions of many Buhodle inhabitants. Many children who lost their fathers are not fed. Educating for thousands of orphan children is not even visible on the horizon.
In the past year and half, Buhodle district has been relatively calm and there were no major attacks from Somaliland militias. This is due to the heavy causalities they have sustained from prior wars with Buhodle community and pressures from the International Community to pull their militias out of the area. They have pulled their ruthless militias out of the district. Currently people in the district are still recovering from the atrocities perpetuated by the occupied militias of SL. The Somaliland militia destroyed schools, looted private and public properties and poisoned water wells as local and outside media outlets have reported.
Crowning A Traditional Leader
In Buhodle and the entire surrounding towns, people are prepared for the crowning of a new traditional leader “Garaad” who is about to replace his brother, Garaad Abdilahi Garaad Soofe Duran (RIP), who passed away. The new Garaad is going to be crowned as the next traditional leader of one of the largest clans in the Ayn region. The inauguration ceremony is set to be on January 15th, 2015. As the crowning day gets closer, many respected people prepared to pay tribute to the new leader and attend his inaugural ceremony. Although crowning of a traditional leader should be free from politics, apparently Somaliland, besides the massacres it committed against this very same district and its people not long ago, decided to cease on this as an opportunity to slander and pave the way for another round of mayhem and atrocity to this district yet again. It sent its traditional leaders who have the blood of Buhodle people on their hands, along with an agent who works for Somaliland and hails from the same clan as the crowning Garad. This smells of a hidden agenda and another mayhem Somaliland may be planning for the unsuspecting Buhodle residents.
This agent and those accompanying him from Somaliland have an evil agenda to implement during the ceremony in Buhodle. They will try to dissolve the unity of people and create rifts among the people by using money and other tactics to divide and conquer the district.
Buhodle district has a local council who has done a number of services for the community with the help of the Diaspora community. They initiated and completed many projects, which the people in the district and surrounding areas are benefiting from. These projects include, reconstructing the main road of the city, finishing a local airport, setting up a customs and border agency, health centers, schools, water wells and disabled and orphanage facilities. The council also helps the poor and nomads by providing water during the last severe draught in the area. This local council is part and parcel of the regional government of Sool, Sanaag & Cayn (SSC) of Khatumo State of Somalia.
The Criticism towards Inaugural Committee
From the beginning when the committee of the Inauguration of the new “Garaad” was formed, many were alarmed and pointed out the group was being penetrated by elements who are very close to agents who work for Puntland and Somaliland. Therefore, it was suggested to be careful and not to polarize the ceremony. The suspension got stronger and people asked the committee to address the concerns. Committee members stated that this is a traditional ceremony and all walks of people regardless of their views and statuses are welcome. This was fair stand on their prospective since the event is a traditional one. However, as the time got closer, it became apparent that the ceremony has changed to a show down between Putland and Somaliland. As is well evidenced, both entities have the same agenda toward the people of SSC as a whole. Their main target is to humiliate Khatumo as an administration, in its strongest hold, Buhodle. They succeeded this fairly and squarely. However, the concern is if they would advance to their final destiny to destroy Khatumo completely and create conflicts and disunity among the people in the district who just recovered from a long crippling war and destruction inflicted by Somaliland.
Khatumo’s Failure in Buhodle
Khatumo State of Somalia is a regional government under the Somalia Federal government. It was established in January 12th 2012. As it celebrates its third anniversary, Buhodle being the strongest hold of the Khatumo administration. The Khatumo’s staunch supporters hail from Buuhodle. It is; therefore, very disappointing to see these agents on the ground of what has been a commendable achieving on the part of the people of Khatumo. Though there are high-ranking Khatumo officials and elders attending the ceremony including the vice president and number of ministers, it seems that they are guests in the ceremony, rather than being the host who should secure the event.
Abdi M. Ahmed (Herer)
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