Because of revitalized and sustained global efforts to improve child survival, the world has succeeded in reducing global child mortality from 12 million in 1990 to 6.9 million in 2011. This success delighted some global child health leaders such as the director of the UNICEF, Anthony Lake. What is disheartening, however, is that the...
Author: WDN
Tacsi: Inaa Lillaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun
Dhamaan bahda WardheerNews waxay tacsi u dirayaan iyaga oo ka xun ehelkii iyo qaraabadii geeridii naxdinta lahayd ee dhawaan ku timid marxuum Abiib X. Jaamac oo ku geeriyooday magaalada Charlotte oo dalka Maraykanka. Waxaanu Ilaah uga beryaynaa in marxuuka uu janadii Farduusa ka waraabiyo, ehelkii iyo qaarabadii uu ka baxay samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo. Aamiin Maamulka WardheerNews
An Open Letter to President Hassan Sh. Mohamoud: A re-joinder
Ismail Haji Warsame ________________ Said Faadi’s recent open letter to Somalia’s incumbent President, H.E. Hassan Sh Mohamud, was quite articulate, relatively fair and consistent with current political developments in Somalia and its nascent, renewed foreign relations. I, however, take some critical exceptions to the credit Mr. Faadi has accorded to the President regarding the latter’s recent foreign trips and high profile symbolic receptions...
Aden Hassan ______________ Sareedo is the name of this poetic piece. Sareedo, is a noun so appealing in its pristine beauty, so simple in its originality. One might be tempted to ask: what is in a name? For Sareedo, there is a lot in it, and some more. This is a piece of poetry –...
Somalia: Suicide bomber attacks
MOGADISHU, Somalia March 01, 2013 (AP) — A police officer in Somalia’s capital says a suicide bomber detonated his explosives at the gate to a beachside restaurant. Police officer Abdi Yasin Hassan said security guards prevented the bomber from entering the restaurant and that he blew himself up at the gate. Hassan said the bomber...
Lifting Somalia’s Arms Embargo and a Renewed Political Conflict
By Faisal A. Roble ___________ More than 100 religious leaders and business executives, a doctor and other prominent residents of this Port city were hunted door to door and killed in three nights of terror that began on the eve of the Americans landing in Mogadishu…” Jane Perlez, New York Times, Dec. 1992 “Someone’s looter/killer...
XUSUUS QOR: Safar aan Jaho lahayn!
W/Q. Siciid Jaamac Xuseen Safarrada i soo maray way badan yihiin. Inta aan is leeyahay waa lagu la dayan karaa aad ayay u tira yar yihiin. Kaan soo wadaa ka mid ah, waana kii iigu cajaa’ibka badnaa. Cajabtiisu xaggee bay ku jirtaa? – Waa kii ugu gaabnaa, oo habeen keliya ayaa safarkaa lagu maqnaa. Waa...
WDN person of the year 2012: Somali Youth- Generation Tomorrow
By WardheerNews Editorial Imagine you are a twenty year old who lives in a stateless country. Imagine that life around you is chaotic; there are guns and warlords everywhere. Piracy Lords and Al-Shabab mullah Lords are always around to persuade you to join in. Everyone is competing for you to kill for them, loot for...
Halting The Divide: President Mahmoud’s
By Warsan Cismaan Saalax Jan. 03, 2013 It took Somalia almost four months from today to get a full government. Mr. Mahmoud, the president who took office on September 10, 2012 has become “preoccupied”, so much so that the new cabinet has education and health as sub departments of Social Services and not as independent...
Dr. Oz’s Miraculous Medical Advice
Dr. Oz’s Miraculous Medical Advice Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. By Julia Belluz and Steven J. Hoffman _________________ As people were getting ready for the holiday season and its accompanying waist expansion late last year, Dr. Mehmet Oz let viewers of his TV show in on a timely little secret. “Everybody...