Washington DC. Xaflad si wacan loo soo agaasimay oo lagu taageerayo maamul goboleedka deggaanada Jubadda Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe iyo Gedo ayaa ka dhacday magaalada Washington DC ee dalka Maraykanka habeenkii Sabtida ee bishan April 13, 2013. Waxaa xafladan ka soo qaybgalay dad boqolaal kor u dhaafay oo ka mid ah jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool...
Author: WDN
Al Shabaab oo weerar ku qaaday xarunta maxkamada gobolka Banaadir ee Muqdishu
Muqdishu (WDN) – Ugu yaraan inta hadda la ogaaday waxa dhintay 10 ruux, iyadoo ay dhaawacmeen tiro kale, kadib markii kooxo hubeysan ay weerar qorsheysan ku qaadeen saaka xarrunta maxkamadda gobolka Banaadir, oo dacwad dhageysi ay ka socotey. Kooxdan oo qoryaha fudud iyo walxaha qarxa ku hubeysanaa, ayay dad goob joogayaal ahi u sheegeen WDN...
Dr. Abdurahman M. Baadiyow’s assessment of the current Situation in Somalia
WardheerNews (WDN) The former Somali presidential candidate and high ranking member of Islah organization Dr. Abdurahman M. Baadiyow in an exclusive interview with WardheerNews shared his opinion on a number of wide issues facing Somalia. On the current political situation Mr. Baadiyow stated “After initial high expectations, the current political situation in Somalia has a propensity...
An Open Letter to President Hassan Mohamoud
Mr President First and foremost, I would like to convey to you, on behalf of our Khatumo people, the respects due to you as our President. Needless to say, no where has your election as president been received with such rousing welcome and instant stirring jubilations as among our people in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn...
Will establishing an English-only household help my child learn English faster?
“ We only use English in the home”. As a speech-language pathologist, families often admit that they speak English exclusively in the home. If these families were from English speaking backgrounds, this would be understandable. However, I am increasingly hearing this from families who come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The commonly held beliefs...
One Woman’s Tale and the Myths of Happiness
“Every moment wasted looking back keeps one from moving forward.” —Hillary Clinton. In a San Francisco airport lounge, I was reading Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky’s new book, The Myths of Happiness: What Should Make You Happy but Doesn’t What Shouldn’t Make You Happy but Does (January 13, 2013), when a woman who seemed to be in...
Obama renews sanctions against Somalia despite new government
President Obama informed Congress on Thursday of his intention to renew sanctions against Somalia despite the country forming a central government for the first time in 22 years. The Obama administration recognized the government of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Jan. 17. The move paves the way for a resumption of civilian and military aid...
Vital Voices Global Partnership Joined by Founder Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden in Honoring Women’s Leadership
Washington, DC (PRWEB) – Last night at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2500 honored guests gathered to recognize the value and impact of women’s leadership globally during the Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards. Presenters included Vice President Joe Biden, who recognized three Indian brothers leading efforts to end violence against women....
Heerrarka Caqliyada
Haddaadan dunida wax ku soo kordhinayn adigaa dusheeda siyaado ku ah. Mustafa Araafici (AUN) Kolka la abla-ablaynayo heerrarka caqliyada aadanaha iyo qaab fekerkooda waxaa la yiraahdaa waxay u kala qaybsamaan saddex nooc: caqliyo waawayn, caqliyo meel dhexaad ah iyo caqliyo yar yar. Caqliyada waawayni waxay ka wada sheekaystaan, kana doodaan mabaadii iyo afkaar, caqliyada...
Hassan Mohamed Nur “Shargaduud” (1946-2013): A Life Dedicated to the Liberation of Digil-Mirifle
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ileyhi Raji’un (We belong to Allah and to Him We return) .Hassan Mohamed Nur, affectionately known as Hassanow Manur by his friends and colleagues, passed away on Tuesday March 2, 2013, in Bonn, Germany. Recipient of Hero Award from Center for Peace- Building Initiative/Peace & Development Research in their annual meeting...