By Elaine Ganley Associated Press Battered by a French-led military campaign in Mali, al-Qaida’s North African arm is trying something new to stay relevant: Twitter. The PR campaign by the terror network seeks to tap into social grievances and champion mainstream causes such as unemployment, all in bid to reverse decline and win new followers....
Author: WDN
Hal Maqaarka Diidani Daldalool Kama Weydo : Jawaab
Inkastoo aanan aheyn aftahan, heli og odhaahaha, ama abwaan koofyadda udhiganaya inuu ereybixin kula baratamo qoraayada ku caanka ah iney ku tiiqtiiqsadaan dhambaallo tayo leh, hadana farbaa ii taagan oo tibix Ibraahim tuhatuheeyey baa tuhun iga galisay yoolka uu la tiigasanayo qoraakiisii uu dhawaan ku soo tuuray dagalka WardheerNews. Qoraagu wuxuu labo-laboodin iyo shaki galiyey...
NSUM:Treason in Turkey
PRESS RELEASE NSUM Since its independence, Somalia had all sorts of leaders- the giants, the mediocre, the democrats and the dictator. Whatever their standing in the eyes of the Somali people, what they had all in common was their sworn commitment to the unity of the country. Siyad Barre, the dictator, was one of its...
Duale: I’m spokesman of government
By MUGUMO MUNENE _________ If you had told Mr Aden Duale in 2005 that he would one day hold one of the most powerful political offices in the country, the businessman would most probably have dismissed you as a lunatic. The possibility had not entered his mind when he switched from business to politics that...
Somalia: Shame On You People
Like everybody else writing an article about Somali affairs, let me start by saying that Somalia has been a failed state for over twenty years. Whether we like it or not, that’s how it will always be remembered. It’s really shameful. Ladies and gentlemen, our failure is wide obvious for the whole world to see....
A Lethal Cocktail for Africa: Religious Extremism, Endemic Corruption and Bad Governance. But Now, NGOs too!
The World Bank’s working definition of the Non-Governmental Organisations “The NGOs” is, “ private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services or undertake community development.” But many people now ask whether the NGOs that work in Africa are progressively engaged in activities...
Mrs. Ballarin’s War
BY MARK MAZZETTI ______________ In her telling of the story, the details of which a former American government official confirmed, she was sitting in her suite at the Djibouti Palace Kempinski, the only five-star hotel in the tiny, impoverished nation. The hotel was hosting an international conference to select the next leaders of Somalia’s anemic...
The Letters: How Al-Qaeda Failed in Mali and Somalia
Recently, two separate letters written in Arabic by Al Qaeda leaders in Mali and Somalia have surfaced. The writings paint a grim picture of the jihadist experience in both countries. The first was found in Mali, and the second is an open letter from a Somali jihadist leader to Al Qaeda supreme leader, Dr. Ayman...
WDN interview with Dr. Abdurahman M. Baadiyow
Editor’s Note: Dr. Abdurahman M. “Baadiyow” is a well-known Somali activist, educator, politician, and one of the senior leaders of Al Islah Islamic organization. Dr. Baadiyow was one of the top candidates of the 2012 Somali presidential election. WDN had an insightful and multi-faced interview with Dr. Baadiyow on the current situation in Somalia, both the challenges...
Challenges to the Reconstruction of the Somali State: From a Unitary to a Federal State
Introduction The report explores state building in Somalia, and the challenges the country faces in moving ahead from a highly centralized unitary government to a federal system. The 1988 war against the Somali National Movement (SNM) in Northern Somalia and the 1991 ruinous civil war in South Somalia, which resulted in the death of thousands...