By WardheerNews

Editor’s Note: Umma University, a prestigious institution of higher learning having all the hallmarks of secular and Islamic-based education is now a force to reckon with after its establishment in 1997-thirty four years after Kenya attained independence from England on the 12th of December, 1963. If “a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”, Umma University’s first concrete block that was laid down nineteen years ago by committed educational aspirants, has transformed into an institution of international repute rivaling other educational forces that once prided to be Kenya’s towering national academic treasures. In an interview with Dr. Mohamed Karama, Umma University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, WardheerNews is pleased to share with its esteemed readers, a great discussion that touches on various issues of profound importance. The interview was conducted for WardheerNews by Adan Makina and Abdelkarim A. Hassan.


WardheerNews (WDN): Dr. Mohamed Karama.  It’s an honor to welcome you to WardheerNews. Before we begin our interview discussions, could you please share with us your academic background, experience and your area of expertise?

Dr Mohamed Karama
Dr Mohamed Karama, the Vice Chancellor of Umma University

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC), Dr. Mohamed Karama: I qualified in 1973 as a Public Health Officer from the Royal Society of Health in England. Thereafter, I studied briefly in Nigeria, Malaysia, and Japan. Then I did my Master’s and finally wrapped up my PhD in 2002. I worked at the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) for more than 40 years.  I worked as a lecturer in many universities in Kenya. I also teach students from the U.S.A and Japan through International student programs. My area of expertise is Public Health and Epidemiology, and supervising and monitoring students at the Master’s and PhD levels.   

WDN: What was the major reason behind Umma University’s establishment, its initial foundation as an institution of higher learning and when was it founded?

DVC: Kenya had few public universities until a few years ago. Only a few students with qualifications in secondary education would get a chance to further their education.

Among the universities that were established later as private, most of them were faith-based. Muslims also wanted to have their own university that would provide education for their people and courses that answered to their spiritual needs.

Umma University was founded in 1997 as Thika College for Sharia and Islamic Studies which was accredited by the Ministry of Education in 2001 to offer diploma courses in Sharia and Islamic Studies. In 2007 it was affiliated to International University of Africa, Sudan to offer BA in Sharia and BA in Islamic studies. This experience of being able to run these two degree programmes gave the Muslim Community Leaders both the confidence and resolve to start the establishment of an Islamic-based university in the country.

WDN: There are many unregulated schools established for the sole purpose of for-profit. How would you rate the overall institutions of higher education in Kenya, both private and public sectors and what makes Umma University a unique institution?

DVC: Kenya has a very strict and standard procedure for the establishment of institutions of higher learning overseen by a body known as the Commission for University Education. In addition, all Professional courses have to be approved by professional councils. Institutions that do not follow this do not get recognition and their graduates may not be easily absorbed into the Kenyan job market. Umma University fulfills Vision 2030 goals through appropriate skills development

Higher education is one of the key pillars enlisted to transform Kenya into a “newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment.

However, with the increasing number of tertiary education institutions to help the country achieve this dream, questions have been raised on whether graduates churned out have practical job market skills as well as character and morals to help raise an all-round and cohesive society. The quality of skills gained has at times

Umma University_Kajiado
Umma University

been in question. This is because a large number of university students, since time immemorial, have always had a bad reputation, being associated with vices like drugs, moral decadence, among other rogue activities.


Umma University, formerly Thika College for Shania and Islamic Studies, is here to make a difference. The University, which is on the path of being chartered, prides in equipping students with practical job skills as well as character and values enshrined in the Islamic religion. We inculcate both skills and good moral character and values in our students. This way, we help bring out all-rounded students who can easily fit in the society.

The University was incepted in 1997 to help increase access to education especially to marginalized groups. Initially, it used to offer Islamic-related courses only but has so far opened its doors to other students who want to have a different experience in academics as they chart their career paths.

The establishment of Umma University is also at the backdrop of a growing Muslim population in the country. Muslims are part of the diverse Kenyan society that has uniquely lived in tolerance and respect for each other’s religious beliefs from time immemorial. There are several key developmental sectors that have attempted to address the needs of the Muslim Community including the introduction of Sharia-Compliant products and services that are in line with Islamic principles. Such sectors include banking and insurance (Takaful insurance). According to the Islamic Law, banking should be interest-free, which is the principle applied in Islamic banking, with several banks opening up divisions offering these specialized products and services. These services are, however, open to non-Muslims also. It is for this reasons that Umma is open to offer quality training to all students, irrespective of their religion.

Abdelkarim and Umma admin
Umma University faculty and administration with Abdelkarim Hassan

The emerging Muslim-oriented products and services in different sectors is a call to the University to continue producing the necessary and well-equipped workforce that will be well-versed in Islamic principles. Some of the courses offered include Bachelor of Business Management, Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Sharia, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (direct intake), and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (upgrading), Bachelor of Science in computer science, and Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance. There are also courses offered at the Diploma and Certificate levels in Business Management, IT, Arabic Language and Islamic Studies.

Although this institution admits students from all corners of the country and the world over and not just Muslims, the foundation tenets will strongly be based on Islamic faith, which is also value-driven. Islamic faith can help redeem and transform the society from erosion of values and moral decadence, since it is a religion of justice and rational behavior.



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