Ali Bunow Korane: The Blessing Buoyant and the Destiny of the Debased County

By Ali Sheikh

As the political crusade and counter-campaigns intensify, momentums of a new game-changing tactics increasingly emerged at the height of the political hustle in Garissa County. As the intensity and the gravity of the political grouse engraving the entire County continues, some key politicians unknowingly found themselves carried on the other side of the coin contrary to the political game. You know what? Simply, they took the entire political inclination of their opponent as a matter of desecration or rather total de-Islamization course as though they are holier than priests [read Sheikh]. Thinking that the merest split of the political opinion whirling between them would slash off “big-love” between them without taking into account the brethren connection between the two brotherly sub-clans Abudwaaq and Auliyahan as Ogaden progenies. Thus, absurdly they end up immersed into the firth of the foul, just by making filthy commentaries to ignite emotionally innocent voters of his camp against their hate-free cousins outside of his political compound.

Ali bunow Korane

In political life the lessons learnt are immediate and crystal clear–sometimes you commit lots of time, energies and wealth and finally everything wane off-target and slip sideways. When such indications surfaces, one needs to quickly de-manoeuvre his or her early political ambition after underlining impossibilities of victory and de-camp  from all active political campaigns to save time, energies and wealth for another trial in the future.  Such decision at the end would define the political maturity one has developed over the time and, it, alone in the future may attract the hearts and the minds of huge voters in his/her favour. What would be a disgusting political scenario is when one chooses the venues for actuating mass [his/her voters] and ill-advising just for political ill-doing.

The game of politics and the politicians of all walks of life have been with us and will be with us for as long as the people would have the “positive-reason” to cooperate to achieve collective goals for their society’s own good. Over a thousand people currently hold full- or part-time appointed political offices in Garissa County, making decisions that affect communities at local state and national levels. For those who wish to participate and contribute to the society’s positive developmental decisions in a healthy heart and with profuse know-how both in theory and in practice of the country’s political trick should absolutely be considered to lead. Beware! The profession offers great rewards to those with a combination of negotiations and public presentation powers accompanied by expertise lobbying and resource management skills.

In Kenya politics, the most successful politicians enjoy visibility of their pie at the national cake sharing, while those shucked and jived or teased in the country’s political game often demonstrate loss of privacy or confidentiality as its highest drawbacks—consider Honorable (Mheshimwa) Nathif Jama’s government, if you will. Remember, the political aspirant whom you will give your vote for the gubernatorial seat will have the power to handle thousands of decisions important to yourself and your families; from questions of pacification, proper and fair revenue allocations,funding to issues of paramount importance to your basic needs such as; water, affordable food, affordable health services,  quality learning institutions, and reliable security structures. If you just cast your vote without deeply analysing and evaluating how things fell apart in the last five years, and the contributing failures that led unattainability of the basic necessities predestined for you as a citizen, your children, families and friends, then you are openly prepared to burn once again your future for another five years. Remember the saying, “not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse”, hence let the nastiness of Mheshimwa Nathif‘s regime be bygone once and for all as change is always as good as a rest.

You do agree with me that the past unpleasant experience induces caution, in that you can excuse yourself that your previous vote paved the way for five years of experiences. Bear in mind the prevailing insecurity, the dry taps, poor water rationing and the negligent water purifications that set the stage for widespread typhoid infestation, pitiable health services, underprivileged education system, massive corruption and pathetic infrastructure. Are you prepared to face another five years of similar, if not advanced policy of the past? Think twice to be smarter, no matter which clan you belong to, for at the end of the day, the basic necessity is of individual concern not of clan concern. Again, if you have to think about it twice the failure of Mheshimwa Nathif Jama, then you probably shouldn’t vote for him another time as bygone stands good moral instances to make reverse decision against the past. Remember, once bitten twice shy.

The previous career or profession of the gubernatorial seat contenders is much more sedate as a matter of fact, and that is if the position has its own added values to the national prize, but an inexperienced contender for such big statesmanship position will be a loss of representation in the face of the political mirror of the country as in the case of what happened the last five years to Mheshimwa Nathif, so to speak. The sitting governor of the Garissa County’s better part of his life was spent in economic exile [outside of the country], at a time when essentially Kenya was on the cross-road of political transformations from [1985-2006] that set the foundation of today’s political playground in Kenya.

Dissimilar to his contender, Ambassador Ali Bunow Korane alias ABK-Entire who was not simply there, but was part and parcel of the big players and designers of the ideology that remarked Kenyan’s liberal democracy as a new beginning right after the Cold War ended with the fall of the USSR. So, compare and contrast the difference between these two guys before you make any voting decision. Make your own judgment: Who is politically sedate and can be of factual value to the County’s leadership and for the national political negotiations? Some of us have seen and had Ali Bunow in Garissa’s political race; however, many seemed to know little or nothing at all about his political and leadership trajectories.

To start with the perspective of one Ali Bunow Korane alias [ABK-Entire] contextual life, I will simply go through a small portion of his historical struggle and achievement that propelled him to elevate to his current radical leadership status. I would say, one Ali Korane hailed from a riverine village called Balambala (read constituency) where he was born and brought up, and like any other pastoralist boy he herded goats, cattle and as he grew up he did herd camels too. In his boyhood years, he led a quiet and decent life; however, he struggled tooth and nail when faced with challenging matters that affected him personally―a character that survived with him up to the present day.

Like father, like son, he too grew up as a kind, candid and courageous lad and throughout his teenage life [ABK], he never shied away from pursuing whatever he intended to do, no matter how long it would take him or how difficult it may have been to achieve. ABK-Entire served the government of Kenya little more than three decades and held significant leadership positions fluctuating from 2nd Lieutenant Kenya Army, Commissioned and posted to 50 Air Cavalry battalion of the Kenya Army and trained as a Helicopter Pilot on the American MD 500 Tank Destroyer; later on he joined the Provincial Administration, then rose to Chief Executive of Ministries, i.e. Permanent Secretary–in the Ministry of Tourism and Information, Ministry of Home Affairs, Heritage and Social Services, Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social services. Up until his recent position as Special Envoy, Horn of Africa—a position delegated to him by President Uhuru Kenyatta so as to coordinate peace in the region.

By virtue of education, Ali Bunow Korane achieved quite handy qualifications that fit his political leadership career. He acquired an undergraduate degree [BA] on International Studies and Diplomacy from George Washington University (USA) followed by an MA in International Studies and Diplomacy in the same university. Ali Bunow who believed education is the tool for visionary leaders to spearhead positive developmental dynamism desired not to halt his appetite for diversifying his educational experiences. Thus, he thought, being a political leader required much more than just a job. Consequently, what came to his scope of influence was the need to study the field of Police Leadership and Management (MSc) at the University of Leicester (UK) which he considered as a lifestyle and an identity for good leadership. In order to understand and have the knowledge for continuous planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all that is necessary to meet his leadership goals and objectives, Ali Bunow embarked on the task of studying for an MBA in Strategic Management at the University of Nairobi (Kenya).

Ali Korane’s believe in education for developmental success didn’t end only at [to] his personal growth. Throughout his leadership, ABK put serious emphasis on educating the poor children who couldn’t afford educational services through the provision of sponsorship at his own personal capacity. I remember in the year 1996-1999, Ali Bunow offered full sponsorship to more than 30 students from different clan allegiances and backgrounds with very good results but could not afford to meet secondary school fees.

As I write this article, over 90% of those students hold top leadership positions in different institutions in the Government, Business Companies and Humanitarian Organizations in Kenya as well as at regional and global level. One of those  students then sponsored by Ali Bunow whose working station now is outside of Kenya confirmed to me [2010] that he never met Ali Bunow physically during his sponsored period starting from 1996-1999. I was so surprised to hear from him that the first time he ever met the man who forged his future [Ali Bunow] was in 2006 while on his way to study an MA programme in the UK. Which means Ali Bunow’s concern was not who you are, but I can help you when you are in need. The other interesting development initiatives he committed to himself singlehandedly among others include: The building of public schools, equipping and subsidising teachers as an incentive package to keep them in the rural areas. This educational creativity which was from his (Ali B) own personal financing not only appeared unbelievable illusion to many people but also a devilish delusion. An example of such schools is/was Balambala Secondary School alias BASES BOYS. I remember this very school led the province in terms of academic performance for nearly a decade producing outstanding students who, to this day dominate working institutions at County, National, Regional and Global level. Are these not elegant human attributes worth mentioning?

Of course I can’t exhaust the list of ABK’s developmental initiatives in just a few pages of an article, but to share with you the last example, but not the least, is the thinking of Minaret Academy School. As Garissa County continues to expand, Ambassador Bunow felt the urging need for an alternative quality education as an inevitable force to keep the County urbanized. There comes one of his big educational investments resulting in Mnara Academy School in Garissa that sealed and satisfied nearly half of Garissa County educational gap. A person who earlier scarifies his own personal wealth just to see well-off society can even do much better when you give the leadership chance to manage for you your own resources. The first inspiring creativity of a person is the last reflection of a true leadership, so if you are head over heels for someone who just want to give you a negligible kickback to buy your vote, know that this person wants to burn your future, thus, you’d better think twice before demolishing your destiny; only a wise person can solve a difficult problem!

Trustee of your hope, vote forABK-Entire, vote for virtue!

Ali Sheikh,

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