By Omar Yusuf Abdulle
The old apothegm “the higher they rise the harder they fall” appropriately delineates Abdi Iley’s fall in the past few weeks. The despotic imposter was a disaster imposed upon the Somali region by the rogue Tigre generals who terrorized Ethiopia for the last 20 years. The Tigre generals assigned Abdi Iley as the head of security of the region around 2005, and subsequently, the ill-fated “regional president” after fulfilling their prerequisites of occupying that ridiculous office– ensured he fulfilled their objectives by becoming a vicious murderer.

Abdi, as his manufacturers desired, killed many innocent civilians in that region and committed unimaginable crimes of greater proportions. He put rouge Tigreyans and merciless Amhara together to shame. He has massacred more than Mengistu and Haile Selassie combined. The ancient adage “May God bless the former rulers” aptly elucidates Abdi Iley’s barbaric brutality and crude cruelty. It’s estimated about 60-70 thousand people died during his reign.
Thousands suffered apparent shootings, extra-judicial killings, and longevity of detention, arbitrary arrests, rape, extreme torture, humiliation and constant intimidation. Jail Ogaden is the well-known notorious concentration camp, where desolation of human rights is the norm, and prisoners of all kinds are humiliated by the hands of his vicious Liyu police– a euphemism for murderers. Even in the Liyyu police ranks, he culled every officer with a unique sense of integrity, proven ability, intrinsic benevolent, and commitment.
He has subjected the public to constant fear and delirious worship of him and his manufactures’ philosophical poverty of listen to me dutifully. The unrequited Ethiopian suffered cultural insecurity and his artificial pride of Ethiopianness and eradication of Somaliness were beyond recognition.
He has abrogated the flag with the white star unilaterally, forced the public to swallow the insult of Ethiopianism which was indigestible by nature and negated Somaliness.He destroyed ONLF, demonized great Somali heroes and freedom fighters, brought Somalia to its knees, and supplanted himself as a demigod demagogue.
To perform his malicious activities, he formulated criminal networks that he had already brainwashed. The first one was the Liyu police, followed by the so called “Somali People Democratic Party” the ESTV, and other mouthpiece media outlets. The party is a cult and profiteering network enterprise that Abdi Iley held its remote to rubber-stamp draconian bills and destructive decisions. Most of the interlopers used to be invited guests and victims of his brutalities. Their minds had been numbed and reduced into unreflective statuses. Any sign of thoughtfulness or opposition was perpetual ostracism and ex-communication punishable by death.

He perfected the profession of suffocating the truth and incessantly fed the public with cocktails of fabrications and fake news such as building bridges where there were no rivers and irrigable lands and where farms were nonexistent.
His owners, the Tigre generals who tacitly approved and encouraged him by their silence and erroneously thought that he was a deity worth venerating. There were ironclad evidences of torture and human rights violations that Abdi Iley was committing and they were aware of that, but that was his intended job to do. So what?
Since “that has a beginning has an end”, eventually, the bedlamite, one-time use Abdi Iley became a victim of his own self-destruction. Indeed, that is the torment of every autocratic beguiler and dictator.
The change that brought Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed into power sent Abdi Iley into oblivion and made him incompetent. Simply because he was a TPLF instrument, his expiry date is over and his fate sealed for good. Now, Abiy wants to manufacture another stooge–an Oromo puppet who will continue with the unfinished project—in the Somali inhabited region.
As though, he was remembering the wisdom, “Qabyo qofkeedaa dhamaystira”, the constitutional legality of Abiy Ahmed’s action to remove Abdi Iley by force, should not bother anyone, because, neither Abiy nor Abdi Iley came through social desire and political legitimacy in the region. Thus, there was no constitutional basis for the presence Abdi Iley in the first place, so is Abiy’s abominable army of occupation. Therefore, Abdi Iley and his substitutes, will, in no way, make credible changes to the living conditions of the people in that region. It’s the parable of interchanging wolfs with wild dogs, and python with a black mamba.
Until the fundamental colonial question of the Somali inhabited region is properly addressed, replicating one puppet with another, will only lead to other hard to tackle horrendous episodes.
Omar Yusuf Abdulle
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