Uproar over proposal to lengthen Kenya president’s term

Uproar over proposal to lengthen Kenya president’s term
President Ruto dismissed a similar proposal as “selfish” last November

A senator who belongs to the ruling coalition in Kenya has proposed an extension of presidential term limits from the current five to seven years, sparking sharp reactions in the country.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei says President William Ruto, who has been in office for just about a year, might not have enough time to deliver his campaign manifesto.

However, the proposal has sparked outrage among a section of Kenyans with the opposition accusing the government of plotting to abolish presidential term limits.

“On the contrary, it should be reduced to four years one term each for the next six elections. This is the only sure way to bring national cohesion and to prevent vested interests from entrenching themselves, thus allowing constitutionalism to be fully established,” an X user posted.

“If any leader cannot deliver in a period of 10 years, what is the need for adding four more?” another user wondered.

Last November, President Ruto dismissed a proposal by another UDA legislator to remove presidential term limits in the country.

Kenya’s constitution sets a two-term presidential limit and any change would require a referendum.

Source: BBC

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