By Said Jama Hussein
In the year of 2017, I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. My life seemed to have come to an end. So many friends and well-wishers prayed for my full and speedy recovery. Here I am today in March 2020 still bearing some of the effects of the deadly cancer, and coming face to face with this unprecedented crisis in human history.
The current global crisis- the pandemic Covid-19 has reduced the world further into a single village and its peoples into one family. Henceforth, human life will never be the same as before.
To save ourselves on this planet depends on how we behave and act. A new era has set in demanding new principles, new ideas, and new methods of implementations in order to sustain human life on earth. Both nationally and internationally a totally new approach of policies and practices has to be adopted in all spheres of life – in trade, economy, politics, and international relations for the sustenance of permanent peace and security for all.
Cut throat competition in all its manifestations have to be halted once and for all, and replaced by amity and cooperation. National bellicosity has no place in this soul searching new world order; and since the crisis is global, it must be tackled globally which simply means there should be global institutions for the practical implementation of the newly adopted policies.
Happily enough, there are international sources to hugely benefit from already set in place. The tenets of the UN charter and its specialised agencies – a highly significant international body, hitherto mindlessly squandered – are to be sincerely and seriously reactivated as starting measures.
The widening gap between North and South – the highly developed and the developing countries – have to be immediately bridged through a new programme of cooperation… tapping all the natural and human resources in the developing countries for their well being and that of the world. All braggadocio and discriminatory attitudes and policies with their artificial boundaries are by virtue of this life-threatening global crisis – covid-19, virtually rendered obsolete and untenable today.
Moving to the domestic plane – Somalia and the Somalis living in the Horn of Africa – all parochial relations of tribalism and its naughtiness have lost meaning in this colossal predicament, and with it, I can safely say, all other ideas that cannot cope up with the order of the day. Here, the Somalis’ main true and unifying factors like their language, religion, culture, mode of production, and the shared history amassed through centuries of living together in the Horn of Africa can be geared into a new worthwhile initiative – a bond of brotherhood living in peace and full cooperation in all activities. It is only through practical work that such fruits could be reaped.
Resort to wishful and impractical thoughts would only prove to be futile and misleading. All unbecoming values and out dated relations must be shunned and repudiated. The unity of the faith in the Islamic religion, as one of the strongest bond of social cohesion must be utilised for purifying the spirit, uplifting the morale, and enhancing the practical programme the nation would be obliged to engage for its togetherness, peaceful co-existence and overall development.
The Somalis in the diaspora have a great role to play. They can substantially contribute towards these noble human and national objectives both materially and culturally. The dissemination of the dictates of the time is an essential element to be prioritised. But first and foremost, they should fully comply with all the meaningful measures being applied in the developed countries they live and try to maximally benefit from them and consequently share with their original home country.
This short message is solely meant to draw our attention to the magnitude of the crisis that has befallen the human race at this juncture of its history, and some of the necessity measures that ought to be seriously taken account of in combating this worldwide deadly crisis; and in its wake charting the appropriate world order.
Said Jama Hussein
Said Jama Hussein, is an author and analyst on Somali language and literature. Mr. Hussein is the author of numerous books, among them Safar aan Jaho Lahayn. He is also the former vice chairman of Somali Pen. Said resides in London, UK.
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