Iraqi Kurds to Vote on Independence as Neighbors Send Warnings

Iraqis walk in the square in the citadel in Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, on September 23, 2017. (Photo credit should read SAFIN HAMED/AFP/Getty Images)

The Kurds, which make up about a fifth of Iraq’s 38 million people, have longstanding grievances against the government in Baghdad. Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against them, displacing or killing countless members of the community. The enclave won a large degree of autonomy under the post-Saddam Iraqi constitution adopted in 2005, and nationalism has deepened since Kurdish troops, known as peshmerga, scored battlefield successes against Islamic State and brought Kirkuk under their control.

Turkey fears the independence vote could set back its own campaign to stamp out a Kurdish insurgency it’s been battling for three decades. It’s also worried about a military response from Baghdad, which could in turn trigger an exodus of Iraqi Kurds toward Turkey.

“The Turkish government is in a position to lay on the pressure,” Anthony Skinner, a director with U.K.-based forecasting company Verisk Maplecroft, said by email. “The prospect of independence would be meaningless if Turkey were to deny access to the Mediterranean.”

— With assistance by Khalid Al Ansary, and Nour Al Ali

Source: Bloomberg


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