By Desta Gebrehiwot
South Sudan is optimistic that peace would be attained and look forward to push for the implementation of joint development projects with Ethiopia ranging from installing road networks to oil pipeline.
Once peace is restored and the recurring of rebellions acts by some groups come to an end, South Sudan would forge to bring the various agreements signed between the two friendly countries into reality told told The Ethiopian Herald, South Sudanese Ambassador to Ethiopia James Morgan.
For long despite the strong ties between the people of South Sudan and Ethiopia, both countries were disconnected due to lack of infrastructural facilities. But now that the security situation in the border starts to improve, the two countries should make use of the opportunity to realize joint projects, James adds.
For him, the most important step to boost integration is to link both countries with road. The majority of both people are cut out from we need to put our effort to secure the borders and open roads. Various agreements were signed for joint infrastructural facilities and projects that if implemented would further speed up the integration process.
The region is endowed with various precious resources but failed to tap them due to instability. Both Juba and Addis Ababa have also lots of resources that either of them do not. Accordingly, South Sudanese oil instead being exporting to other international market, it would be cost and time effective if it goes to Ethiopia by realizing refinery and pipelines. The same is true Ethiopia can also export the resources it has that Juba badly need, he adds
However the Ambassador says, security and peace is what should come first, hence both countries need to step up efforts to ensure the desperately sought stability in the borders and in South Sudan.
The relation between Ethiopia, South Sudan is historical. The people to people ties are inseparable. It is like one people living in two countries. And promoting infrastructural integration would be taking this into new heights, the Ambassador adds.
Source: The Ethiopian Herald
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