By Safi Abdi
Words can not describe the anger and frustration I am feeling right now. I find it hard to understand or explain away the evil designs behind the ambushing and the slaying and wounding of innocent civilians in Teleex. I understand the number of dead has risen to nine, the number of wounded even higher, some in critical condition.
The killing of civilians, and the murderous assaults and ambushes that Puntland carried out against Khatumo State and its civilians, for three successive days, 28th and 29th and 30th of Nov.2013. This is a crime against humanity, and if Puntland was a normal place, the events that led to this ugly tragedy wouldn’t have seen the light of day.
Emotions are high and justice seems to be further away than even that black October of 2007 when Somaliland militia (packed and bankrolled by Aid agencies and international donors) rolled into Khatumo territory. Where five years on, not a single justice tribunal has so much as whispered a word of denunciation, let alone speak on behalf of the countless displaced, the countless incarcerated, or the countless who suffer, all alone, Somaliland’s illegal occupation of Khatumo Territory.
As Khatumo bury their dead and shed tears to console the wounded. And as we see Hargeisa’s history repeated in Garowe, and witness the bereaved suffering, all alone, without so much as a whimper from Puntland streets, without so much as a word of even moral support from Puntland and its Traditional leaders, its Ulema, women, youth, or Media (with the exception of a few words here and there from its presidential candidates). I can’t help but marvel at the amount of patience it must have required of Khatumo to have stayed so long in the fold, before Puntland forced them to fend for themselves.
There is a lot of blame to go around, and people of Khatumo have every right to feel betrayed. And alone. Tragic as this is, there is nothing more depressing today than being a Puntlander.
This is indeed a black day for Puntland, and it is not just our gangster President or his doddering poodle who kill innocent people. It is us, Puntlanders, who by our collective indifference and shameful passivity brought shame on Puntland.
Safi Abdi
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