By Ahmed Mubarak Mohamed (Ahmed Caato)
It was 10 pm on November 5th 2013 when a friend called and said, “Abdi Warsame won the seat on the Minneapolis City Council!”. I cheered loudly acknowledging the victory for the community in Ward 6 as well as for Abdi Warsame. Before long there were a couple of questions that came to mind. After two decades of East African emigration to Minneapolis, what had changed? What does this mean for the large East African community in Minneapolis and also for the City of Minneapolis itself?
Let me start with congratulating Abdi Warsame along with his volunteers, and the residents of Ward 6 who showed commitment and initiated real change. These people chose Abdi because of his strong leadership skills and his commitment to represent his community. I would also like to thank and recognize our Somali media in the Twin Cities, Somali Public Radio (SPR) which broadcasted everything about Abdi’s campaign. Without SPR’s participation this election may have had a different outcome.
My hope is for Abdi to have a successful term marked by many significant accomplishments. Somalis came here seeking security, education and an improved standard of living. This victory by Abdi Warsame signifies the achievements East Africans have made since coming to the City of Minneapolis. And the entire City should delight in the success of this communities’ adaptation to this new environment.
I personally know Abdi Warsame and I am confident he will do his job well. I am also convinced he will deliver on his promises to the community he represents. Abdi represents the reshaping of politics in the City of Minneapolis. This victory is a signal that the City of Minneapolis is moving forward. It is an indicator that Minneapolis is a platform of opportunity and it embraces the challenge of a new direction.
As the Somali community has steadily grown over the last 20 years so has the need for appropriate representation of this community. This opportunity has the potential to reform the City of Minneapolis; this cohesive community has much to offer its’ Minneapolis brethren and now we have a voice which allows us to express ourselves. The East African community has much to offer as it continues its assimilation into its Minneapolis home.
The DFL endorsement of Abdi Warsame was the right decision at the right time. This may have not been an easy decision but in the end the vision of creating substantive change won out. With Abdi’s victory the DFL, the Somali community and the City of Minneapolis will be strengthened in their quest of a better life for all concerned. Again congratulations, Abdi, and may Allah guide you all the days of your life.
AhmedMubarak Mohamed (Ahmed Caato)
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