By WardheerNews Editor’s Note: Dr. Abdurahman M. Abdullahi (Baadiyow) is a Somali activist, educator, politician and the chairman of National Unity Party (NUP) and deputy chairman of the Forum for Unity) and Democracy(FUD), the largest political coalition in Somalia. Dr. Baadiyow was one of the top candidates of the 2012 Somali presidential election. WDN had...
1918 search results for: interview
An interview with Bancroft Global Development
By WardheerNews Editor’s note: Bancroft’s story has been featured in many notable publications including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. This is the first time their story has been covered by Somali Media. Thus, WDN brings you this exclusive interview. Mohamed Osman and Abdelkarim Hassan have conducted the interview...
An interview with filmmaker Fathia Absie
Editor’s note: Fathia Absie is a Somali-American filmmaker. Her film The Lobby is to debut at the Minneapolis, St. Paul International Film festival on April 13, 2015. Fathia shared this interview with us to discuss her journey through filmmaking. It’s with utmost joy we share this intriguing interview with our esteemed WDN readers. The interview...
An Interview with Mr. Esayas Woldemariam, the Managing Director of Ethiopian Airlines International Service
Editor’s note: The economic growth and the rise of income levels in Africa has created a growing and strong middle class with global trade and investment opportunities. East Africa is currently the regional leader in terms of GDP growth, coupled with growth in population calls for increasing demand in air travel. Various international airlines such as Turkish...
Editor’s Note: Libraries serve as community cultural centers, preserve historic artifacts, oral histories, and a place where students and individuals gather to study, research and explore. Despite the increased traction in the digital age and the perceived obsolescence, libraries still remain and play a key role as learning and cultural centers. Thus, is pleased...
INTERVIEW: Ethiopia aims for climate neutrality by 2025
By E.G. Woldegebriel Kare Chawicha heads Ethiopia’s Ministry of Environment and Forest. The ministry has a key role in trying to harmonise the country’s push for rapid economic growth with efforts to protect and conserve Ethiopia’s environment. TRF: How have Ethiopia’s efforts at building a “green economy” fared since they were launched more than four...
Interview: Somalia PM says ready for business
Al Jazeera speaks to Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke about security, investment and changing perceptions about the nation. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke’s biggest challenge is unifying the country and defeating al-Shabab [EPA] Doha, Qatar – Most would agree that being the prime minister of Somalia is a tough job. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke has taken it on...
By WardheerNews Editor’s note: March 2, 2015 marks the day that a good friend of WardheerNews, Mr. Bob Montgomery, the Executive Director of the IRC in San Diego retires, after 38 years of service and dedication. Mr. Bob shared on these pages, many insights on refugee issues, dissecting the gamut from coming to America to...
The Traveller to Legendary Lands: WardheerNews interview with Shiela Andrzejewski
Editor’s Note: Peaking into the rich WDN archives full of ten years of rare collection of historical pieces, news, commentary, opinion as well as cultural and poetry analysis and writing from across the globe, we come upon a jewel, a rarity, a genius piece of writings, honest and true and free of bias. Indeed, it could...
Somali Author Nuruddin Farah Speaks Truth to Power [INTERVIEW]
By Brittany Vickers EBONY The current images of Somalia are those of a country ravaged by a 22-year dictatorship and perpetual civil war. Yet through 12 books and countless essays centered on Somalia, author Nuruddin Farah has refuted those images of his homeland and solidified his place as one of Africa’s leading literary voices. EBONY...