Monday, July 01, 2024
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Congress for Somali Cause (CSC) Urges Immediate Action to Address Escalating Afar-Somali Conflict and Secure Safe Return of Displaced Somalis

Press release

Congress for Somali Cause (CSC)

The Congress for Somali Cause (CSC) expresses grave concern regarding the escalating conflict between Afar and Somali communities in Ethiopia, which has resulted in the displacement of thousands of Somalis from their homes in Garbaissa, Cundhufo, Adaytu, and surrounding villages.

The CSC calls for immediate and decisive measures to quell the escalating Afar-Somali conflict, a conflict that has caused profound suffering and instability. This includes the immediate and safe return of displaced Somalis to their hometowns.

The CSC emphasizes the imperative for the ENDF to uphold its duty of impartiality, given historical grievances and documented instances of bias against Somali communities during past conflicts with Afar forces.

Over the past five years, the escalation of the Afar-Somali conflict has resulted in a significant rise in casualties, injuries, displacements, and extensive damage to properties and livelihoods, particularly in Garbaissa, Cundhufo, and Adaytu villages following the offensive by allied Afar regional forces and the ‘Uguguma’ militia into the West Sitti zone of the Somali region.

The federal government’s attempts to mediate and pressure the regional states for peace have been unsuccessful, highlighting the diminishing influence of the central government. On June 1st, 2024, renewed violence broke out.

The Somali regional government accuses Afar Special Forces and ‘Uguguma,’ a faction of the Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front, of orchestrating the attacks. The irresponsible absence of the presidents of the Afar and Somali regions, who are on overseas, leaves vulnerable populations unprotected.

The CSC calls for a peaceful resolution of this conflict through dialogue and in compliance with the Ethiopian Constitution. We urge the federal government to promptly assume responsibility for the security of towns and villages, guaranteeing the safeguarding of these communities. We denounce the indifference of both regional and federal leaders in addressing the conflict. We further assert that the Prime Minister is exploiting the situation to enhance his political standing by exacerbating ethnic tensions and positioning himself as a mediator.

The CSC calls upon the political parties in the Afar and Somali regions to cease their ideological blame games and focus on addressing the conflict directly. Their first priority should be saving the lives of their people, instead of engaging in unproductive disputes.

To achieve a lasting resolution to this prolonged conflict, the CSC urges for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of all militia and regional police forces to their positions before the conflict began. This will establish a secure environment for the safe return of forcibly displaced individuals to their homes.

The CSC urges all political parties and elites not to be manipulated by the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) into instigating ethnic conflicts.

We call upon our Afar brothers and sisters to join hands in working towards a lasting peaceful solution that promotes coexistence between our two nations. We share far more than what divides us.

In conclusion, the CSC urges the international community to intervene and aid in mediating an end to this conflict. Furthermore, we request their assistance in facilitating the safe return of internally displaced persons (IDPs). We further urge the international community, civil society organizations, and human rights advocates to condemn these human rights abuses and apply pressure on Prosperity Party officials to fulfill their responsibilities. Justice, peace, security, and property rights for all residents involved in this conflict are of utmost importance.

Congress for Somali Cause (CSC).

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