Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

Somalo-Jewish relations: blasphemy or real politic

By Faisal Roble These are some of the questions that I pondered while on a family vacation in West Palm Beach, Florida. Is Somalia finally joining the campaign to end the sub-Saharan diplomatic “embargo” of the Jewish state? If so, … Continued

Midaynta iyo Horumarinta Af Soomaaliga

W/Q Cabdalla Mansuur Kaddib markii loo kala qaxay dalal afafkoodu kala duwan yihiin, waxaa la dareemay ahmiyadda uu leeyahay afka hooyo iyo qoraalkiisuba. Gaar ahaan xagga qoraalka, afku wuxuu noqday midka keliya ee laysku afgaran karo. Arintan ayaana keentay in … Continued

Diploma Mills Mislead and Defraud Vulnerable Somali Students

By Abdillahi Hussein It all started with Facebook erroneous comment on a basic fundamental economics concept by someone claiming to hold “doctoral” degree in the Economics. Oddly, that person was using a copy of his “Ph.D. degree in Economics” as … Continued

The Naming and Shaming of Ambassador Ali Americo

By Hassan M. Abukar The United Nations Monitoring Group Report on Somalia and Eritrea, which was released this week, offers a scathing attack on former Somali ambassador to Kenya, Mohamed Ali Nur “Americo” for engaging in a widespread graft and … Continued

Jubaland’s Robin Hood Parliament: A Call for Justice

To: President, Federal Government of Somalia To: Speaker, Somali Federal Parliament To: Prime Minister, Federal Government of Somalia To: Executive Secretary of IGAD To: UN Special Envoy To: AU Special Envoy To: IGAD Special Envoy  We, the undersigned community leaders representing SADE, … Continued

An interview with Bancroft Global Development

By WardheerNews Editor’s note: Bancroft’s story has been featured in many notable publications including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. This is the first time their story has been covered by Somali Media. Thus, … Continued


By Abdelkarim A Hassan There was much jubilation among many Somalis and in particular those from Puntland celebrating long and wide when Dr. Abdiwali M. Ali was elected as the president of Puntland on January 8, 2014. The euphoria shown … Continued

Islaaminta Aqoonta: Qalad Aan Laga Qaangaarin

W/Q Cabdisaciid Cabdi Ismaaciil 1- Gogoldhig Maalintii taariikhdu ahayd 22kii Feebaraayo 2015, khudbo Shiikha jaamacadda As-har mudane Axmed Addayib uu ka jeediyey shir lagu qabtay magaalada Maka al-Mukarama, oo la sheegay in looga hadlayo mawduuca “La dagaalanka aragagixisada”, wuxuu ku … Continued

The South-West State: Annals of Corruption

By Hassan M. Abukar Much hope has been pinned on the new South-West regional state (SW) becoming an integral part of the remaking of a strong federal system in Somalia. The SW’s interim government is headed by Sharif Hassan, former … Continued