Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

Pillaging Somalia: The Dubious DP World- Ethiopia Deal

By Faisal Roble Baadida ninbaa kula deydeya, daalna kaa badane Oon doonahayn inaad heshana, daayin abidkaaye  W/T. Qamaan Bulxan On March 1, 2018, the Dubai-owned DP World and the government of Ethiopia have concluded a dubious deal with the unrecognized … Continued

Siilaanyo and Galaydh’s Dastardly Deal in Ainabo

By Osman Hassan A little town in northern Somalia called Ainabo has acquired a shameful place in Somali history, not all of its choosing. It is here that Siilaanyo, the leader of the one-clan secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland, and … Continued

The Conflict in Eastern Ethiopia, Explained Posted

Ethnic tensions between Ethiopia’s two regions, Oromia and Somali erupted into violent conflict that killed at least dozens of people and drove thousands of men, women and children from their homes during the second week of September 2017. Reports on social media about the … Continued

Turmoil Engulfs Somali Charter School in City Heights

By Maya Srikrishnan, Voice of San Diego Iftin Charter School has gotten itself into a huge, expensive mess. Earlier this year, multiple employees filed complaints against the City Heights school over discrimination and retaliation. In June, the school received a scathing … Continued

Who Failed Farmajo’s Presidency?

By Faisal Roble For many of his supporters, the Farmajo administration has fallen out of grace so fast. With the right and bold steps, however, he may regain their confidences and rescue his presidency. Several incidents that had transpired in … Continued

Dr. Georgi Kapchits: Aqoonyahan Abaalmarin Innaga Mudan

W.Q. Khaliil Cabdiraxmaan X.Xasan Arar: Qoraalkan waxaan jecelahay in aan si kooban ugu soo bandhigo Dr Geoergi Kapchits iyo kaalinta uu ka qaatay horumarinta afkeenna hooyo, anigoo ka gadaalna idiinku soo gudbin doona aragtiyaha ay qaar ka mid ah qorayaasha … Continued

Mama Malyun Names and Shames

By Hassan M. Abukar The arrival of social media in conservative Somalia has prompted the rise of smart, educated, activists who have become champions for the voiceless. However, the medium has also led to the emergence of a different class … Continued

Wareysi: Dr. Georgi Kapchits

Odhaahda Tifaftirka: Waxaanu akhristayaasha WardheerNews la wadaagaynaa waraysi xiise badan oo aanu la yeelanay Dr. Georgi Kapchits oo ah khabiir aad isugu taxalujiya ururinta iyo baadhista afka, dhaqanka iyo suugaanta Soomaaliyeed. Dr. Kapchits waxa uu ka waramayaa suugaanta iyo maahamaahyada … Continued

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud: The Return of the Incumbent

By Hassan M. Abukar Barring the unforeseen, it is likely President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud (HSM) will be reelected on Dec. 28. What is not certain, however, is whether there is a possibility that the presidential election might be put off … Continued

2016 Election: Why President Hassan could lose

By Faisal Roble If everything goes as planned, come October 30, 2016 Somalia could accomplish a major milestone and conduct parliamentary elections since the 1960s, however imperfect that may be. Despite President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud’s recent pronouncement that the election … Continued